
Local Reviews: I Hear Sirens

Local Music Reviews

I Hear Sirens
Street: 07.24
IHS = Explosions in the Sky + The Weak Men + Maserati
The influences behind I Hear Sirens are somewhat exterior in nature. It is easy to sense a little Sigur Ros here and a little Mono there, but IHS has brought their own brand of ethereal substrate to help revive the delineating post-rock enzyme. Their song titles are a little tough to swallow (“Ashes Fall Like Snowflakes, Burying the Sea” or “This is the Last Time I’ll Say Goodbye”), but the energy and beauty captured on this recording outweigh anything that would deter a potential listener. The production is immaculate, sounding like something that was recorded in Texas with subtle electronics floating through the background, giving this band a sleeker edge than your common post-rock free for all. This is easily one of the best local releases of the year.