
Review: Loma Prieta – Self Portrait

National Music Reviews

Loma Prieta

Loma Prieta
Self Portrait

Deathwish Inc.
Street: 10.02
Loma Prieta = Full of Hell + At the Drive-In + AFI

I love this record and I’m not really sure I can do it justice in this short space, nor can I talk about it without being hyperbolic. In a genre where most bands are just trying to sound like some variety of Converge, Loma Prieta are doing something really cool and really unique. Self Portrait is at once both chaotic and beautiful, abrasive and weirdly calming. These songs are filled with intense dissonance and noise, only to be followed immediately by a catchy and hooky chorus. If you were to strip away all of the feedback and distortion from this album, I think you’d find something pure and beautiful. These guys are intensely original to my ear, and I hope this style catches on in the broader hardcore scene. This album is essential. Seriously, go buy it. Alex Gilvarry