Review: 24K Golden Ale

Beer Reviews

Let’s face it. You can’t help but get caught up in all the great autumn beers that are out right now. There’s a sh’load of them out there, but sadly, most of these Oktoberfest beers, pumpkin ales and spiced bombs have been floating around our stores and bars since late August. It’s time for a minor reset on the palate to let our tongues readjust and remember the more refreshing side of beers before we get into the holiday madness—with all of those crazy, malty, boozy and cheer-driven winter solstice offerings. These beers will remind you of what it’s like to be a normal, beer-drinking human.

24K Golden Ale

Brewery/Brand: 2 Row Brewing
ABV: 5.7%
Serving Style: 12-oz. bottle

Description: This pours a goldenrod color with a good two fingers of foamy and pillowy, white head. The nose is quite fresh. There’s a fair amount of lively citrus-peel hops and a hint of sweet malt drifting in the background, and the taste duplicates the smell. It starts off with fresh tangerine rind bitterness—there’s a hint of lemon as well. Subtle caramel sweetness comes next, providing a nice, neutral bed for the hops to build upon. It’s nicely sweet and hoppy at the same time. The end has a bit of floral bitterness that rounds it all out. The finish is creamy and crisply bitter.
Overview: There’s a high drinkability factor with this ale due to its lighter alcohol and its well-proportioned use of malt and hops. It’s a great beer for the hop heads but approachable enough for the craft beer rookie.