Wolf Tone
National Music Reviews
Wolf Tone
Street: 12.04.15
Plaitum = Cocorosie + FKA Twigs + Lorde + Disclosure
Please listen to this album. As soon as the opening track “LMHY” began playing through my headphones, I had to wonder if this was a side project of CocoRosie—the lead vocals and music style were quite similar. However, with some research, I came to find that this is an entirely new band comprising two childhood best friends who are now 20 and making the most amazing, dark synthpop I’ve heard in a long time. Both haunting and electrifying, Plaitum exhibit beautiful production quality for a freshman album. Heavy, electronic rock beats complement the deep, smooth female vocals. There are only four tracks on the album, and each one is worth shouting out individually. –Julia Sachs