National Music Reviews
Hand Drawn Dracula (Worldwide)
Street 08.26
WISH = Sonic Youth + Foxygen + Broken Social Scene
WISH’s self-titled album is a collection of cerebral shoegaze tunes, which seem to hearken back to the classic “indie” and “no wave” rock from the ’90s. The band explores the tension of distorted noise over strong drum lines and driving bass riffs. At times, songs like “Slacker” and “Frances In Space” made me feel like I should dance through my own insanity. A handful of songs from this record have their moments of confidence and clarity, but, for the most part, WISH create a feeling of dreamy melancholia with a rapid heartbeat. I recommend this album to those who still have the soundtrack to Scott Pilgrim vs. The World in their cars, and anyone else who’s looking to get lost in their own head for a little while. –Nic Smith