Cinematic Dreamer? The Utah Film Commission’s Next Level Grant Program Can Give You a Boost

Cinematic Dreamer? The Utah Film Commission’s Next Level Grant Program...

According to Virginia Pearce, the Director at the Utah Film Commission, it is common for these aspiring filmmakers to understand the technical-skill-driven aspects of making a movie, but the business side can be tricky, particularly the fundraising side. … read more

Pancake and Potato Pioneers: The Hammer Spring Distillers

Pancake and Potato Pioneers: The Hammer Spring Distillers

Hammer Spring makes a grain-based vodka called Hidden Vodka, which JP Bernier attributes to helping pave the way for their craft products. “We realized that there is some benefit to distilling this way, in that you can make it quickly for a decent price,” Bernier says. … read more

From The Garage to Salt Flats Brewing: A Beer-Fueled Journey

From The Garage to Salt Flats Brewing: A Beer-Fueled Journey

With six of their beers canned for mass distribution, Salt Flats Brewing is ready to respond to whichever direction the market goes with beers that will satisfy every palate. What Salt Flats Brewing has to offer was nowhere near my normal Wednesday-afternoon cup of tea, and I was feeling thirsty. … read more

Staying True to the Formula: 24 Years of Millcreek Coffee

Staying True to the Formula: 24 Years of Millcreek Coffee

After two decades of successful roasting behind him, Millcreek Coffee CEO Steve Brewster is ready for his daughter, President Stacey Maxwell, to take a crack at leading the family business. … read more

Distillery Dreams Do Come True: New World Distillery

Distillery Dreams Do Come True: New World Distillery

New World Distillery hopes to open by the first of December—so cross your fingers that we’ll all soon be sucking down some of their agave spirits! … read more

No Gas for Green Goods: Try Walking to Urban Greens Market

No Gas for Green Goods: Try Walking to Urban Greens...

With the support of a USDA grant, SLCgreen has teamed up with The Green Urban Lunch Box, Utahns Against Hunger and Salt Lake Community Action Program’s Real Food Rising to establish Urban Greens Market, five pop-up markets that provide fresh and local produce within walking distance to community members. … read more

Ride, Swap, Ride: The Ogden Bike Collective Bike Swap

Ride, Swap, Ride: The Ogden Bike Collective Bike Swap

Upon entering the collective’s small building, located on a quiet neighborhood street, it is immediately clear that the Ogden Bike Collective is community driven. … read more

Review: Let’s Learn: S.T.E.M.

Review: Let’s Learn: S.T.E.M.

If you’ve paid any attention to what kids are being taught in school these days, you should be well aware of S.T.E.M. programs, which focus on Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. … read more

Dear West Jordan, This Is Your Community: Miguel Galaz

Dear West Jordan, This Is Your Community: Miguel Galaz

  Miguel Galaz has been working to teach youth about art for the last few years in afterschool programs as a teacher at the Mana Academy, and going out to work on interactive projects in the community. When a close friend was working to turn an old building that had hosted a number of restaurants

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Jagermeister Music Tour

Jagermeister Music Tour

After only minor threats from the bouncer doing searches at the door, I was going to make sure that I had my photo pass.  If I were seen taking pictures without it I would be forcibly removed (to put it lightly). … read more