Authors: Ben Trentelman

2014 Tumbleweeds Film Festival 03.14-16
This year I was once again presented with the opportunity to check out the festival, this time, with a much older and wiser young lady to accompany me. I am glad to say that we did feel the warm embrace of my fellow parents, and Alice, a bond with her own, slightly larger and less stinky peers, as we set out to enjoy free pizza and a new world of cinematic exposure for kids in SLC that has no rival. … read more
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Love Utah Give Utah: One Day, Hundreds of Non-Profits and...
If you have ever worked for a nonprofit organization, you know what it is like to scrape by and fight for something that you believe in—something that may not benefit you, but will be a great service to others. … read more

Designing Behind the Scenes
In the event of the designers of the world suddenly disappearing, what would things look like? How would they work? Everyday items, like phones, toasters and bathmats, which we all unassumingly use daily, would cease to exist in the user-friendly and attractive nature that we currently enjoy them. This is where Salt Lake Design Week comes in: to show us what it actually takes to design a building, snowboard or bathmat. … read more

Greasy Wrenching for Kids at the SLC Bicycle Collective’s Earn-A-Bike...
The Bicycle Collective is a full community bike shop with virtually every tool one could ever need to keep a bike up and running. The Collective promotes cycling as a clean and healthy mode of transportation and, according to Catharine Scott, the Coordinator of the Earn-A-Bike Program, teaches kids about the benefits of riding bikes and gives them access and knowledge to fix their own bikes.

How I Learned To Love My Vasectomy
A large group of kids paraded around my house, and in their wake, they left a path of destruction—juice boxes were strewn about, toys littered the yard, and my pleas for compliance were met with the proverbial 5-year-old middle finger. … read more

Let’s Ride: An Evening with Bike Party
The Salt Lake bike scene has been on a steady incline for the last several years, becoming abundant with bike lanes, flat Downtown terrain and a local government with an interest in the safety of cyclists. SLUG joined Bike Party coordinators Phil Sarnoff and Colin Quinn-Hurst as they set out for one of their monthly rides around the city with a large group of cycling partygoers. … read more