Local Review: The National Parks – Young

Local Review: The National Parks – Young

I listen to an album like this and think, “How in the hell is this band not on every single person’s iPod on the planet?” This three-piece Provo band has it all in Young. It’s heartbreaking, reaffirming, energetic and fun—all while being thoughtful. … read more

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Local Review: The Goldeneyes – Self-Titled

Local Review: The Goldeneyes – Self-Titled

The Goldeneyes =
 (The Killers x The Doors) / Jim Morrison … read more

Local Review: The Lazy Waves – Wavetable

Local Review: The Lazy Waves – Wavetable

Indie electro-pop is the en vogue subgenre at the moment and that is totally OK with me. The Lazy Waves’ latest EP combines a lot of the genre’s best traits, things like space-age synth sounds backing earthy lyrics and vocals, to create this solid four-track EP. … read more

Local Review: Salazar – Saudade

Local Review: Salazar – Saudade

Salazar = (Temper Trap + My Morning Jacket) / Wilco
  … read more

Local Review: Robert & The Carrolls – Everybody’s Famous EP

Local Review: Robert & The Carrolls – Everybody’s Famous EP

The first time I pressed play on Everybody’s Famous, with its opener “Vintage,” I was transported to the PCH, driving fast no doubt, but still taking it all in around me—the smells, the sounds, the sun soaking into my skin. … read more

Local Review: Officer Jenny – The Gods Must Be Giddy, a Gaggle of Unexceptional Songs Written for Unexceptional People

Local Review: Officer Jenny – The Gods Must Be Giddy,...

Officer Jenny The Gods Must Be Giddy, a Gaggle of Unexceptional Songs Written for Unexceptional People Self-Released Street: 05.31 Officer Jenny = Sufjan Stevens + The Shins   Provo’s Stephen Cope, who performs under the Pokémon-inspired moniker, Officer Jenny, offers up an understated, personal and, at times, campy album in his debut. Gods starts off

Local Review: Muzzle Flash – Delightful Suffering

Local Review: Muzzle Flash – Delightful Suffering

The debut from the Salt Lake City–based post-grunge trio does all of the things you would expect from an outfit whose main influences include Queens of the Stone Age and the Foo Fighters—mainly gritty, angsty, power rock. … read more

Local Review: Kookie Lou – Kookielou EP

Local Review: Kookie Lou – Kookielou EP

Kookie Lou = (Bat For Lashes * Zooey Deschanel) / Morcheeba … read more

Local Review: Joshua James – Well, Then, I’ll Go To Hell

Local Review: Joshua James – Well, Then, I’ll Go To...

I listened to this album six or seven times before I realized it—30 seconds into the second track, “Broke”—these are all Modest Mouse covers. Jesus, I am slow. But doesn’t that speak to how great Joshua James is?
  … read more

Local Review: Golden Plates – Eugenics

Local Review: Golden Plates – Eugenics

Golden Plates Eugenics Self-Released Street: 05.11 Golden Plates = (Lenny Kravitz x Monster Magnet) / The Strokes One of the toughest assignments I’ve had since I started writing for SLUG is the task of trying to define Golden Plates. Part blues, part distortion, part machismo rock n’ roll, it seems to be a music project