Mine Versus Mind: The Art Criticism of Douglas Crimp

Mine Versus Mind: The Art Criticism of Douglas Crimp

It may very well be that the wall-of-yawn survey courses that drive so many bright students back to retail are “moralizing cultural conservativism disguised as progressive modernism.” This phrase belongs to Douglas Crimp, professor of visual studies at the University of Rochester. Scholars currently debate what this edgy new discipline actually is, but this much

Sunn O))): Seekers of Light

Sunn O))): Seekers of Light

From its inception, Anderson says, Sunn O))) jettisoned traditional instrumentation, song structure and any musical conventions designed to evoke a specific reaction or entertain an audience. “We create music spontaneously and naturally and never bend to any outside pressure or public expectations,” he says. … read more

Repertory Dance Theatre: Salient at 50

Repertory Dance Theatre: Salient at 50

Hasty comparisons are frequently made between Repertory Dance Theatre, Utah’s first modern dance company, and other local companies. As RDT celebrates its half-century contribution to the Utah arts scene, SLUG spoke with Linda C. Smith, a performer and choreographer with RDT since 1966, and now its current Executive and Artistic Director. Smith denies that RDT

NOW-ID Brings Nowhere to Utah

NOW-ID Brings Nowhere to Utah

For over two years, NOW International/Interdisciplinary Dance Company has endeavored to expand the range and complexity of contemporary dance in Salt Lake City. NOW began as the attempt by artistic director Charlotte Boye-Christensen to rescue dance from the confines the traditional auditorium, stage and stage machinery – which in recent years has come to be

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Local Reviews: Samuel Smith Band

Local Reviews: Samuel Smith Band

You swore you would never listen to KBER. Samuel Smith Band, Salt Lake Soundcheck favorites, will make you repent your superiority. Recall, if you possibly can, some shit-forsaken rock quartet from the ’70s, with a white soul singer, bottle-neck guitars and Fender Champs cranked up to blues kazoo. Samuel Smith Band delivers these basic goods, combined with enough wit and funk to retain a sure sense of the here and now.  … read more

Local Review: it foot, it ears

Local Review: it foot, it ears

Cannonball Lessons is the second release from Salt Lake avant-garde duo, it foot, it ears. This five-song EP adds to the band’s catalogue a handful of stripped-down musical miniatures, which are at once endearing and exasperating.  … read more

A Goat is A Goat is A Goat: No Narrative in New Narrative
The Anatomy of Gross
Dance Against Nature: Interiors Review
Situation Tragedy: Salt Lake Acting Company Performs End Days.