Authors: Cody Kirkland
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“I’m in love with the concept of being in love,” says amateur porn producer Dan Leal, aka Porno Dan, in the beginning of this documentary following his unrelenting search for love amid porn conventions and gangbangs. But for co-dependent sex addict Porno Dan, love is hard to come by when sex with hundreds of women is business as usual. … read more

I Want My Name Back
Roger Paradiso documents the rise and fall of hip hop pioneers Wonder Mike and Master Gee, original members of The Sugarhill Gang, the group responsible for the seminal record “Rapper’s Delight.” After the release of the world’s first commercial hop hop composition, Wonder Mike and Master Gee’s artistic credit and monetary earnings were taken by Sugar Hill Record execs, throwing the two into a 30-year struggle to reclaim their place in hip hop history. … read more

Washed Out, Memoryhouse @ Urban 04.28
There was a big difference between Washed Out on record and Washed Out the show. If you’re the kind of person who wants a band to sound exactly like they do on the record, you probably hated this show—a lot of the songs were changed up a bit to translate into a full band as Washed Out has moved from a bedroom project to a career for Ernest Greene. The songs sounded bigger and louder and heavier than the laptop synth-pop versions. Greene was obviously into it—pounding on his keys, bobbing his head like a parrot and putting himself into every word he sang. … read more

Liars @ Urban Lounge with Cadence Weapon
Then, like a splash of hot oil in the face, we were hit with the caustic surf guitar and cymbal crash of Sisterworld’s “Scarecrows on a Killer Slant.” The crowd members immediately started slamming into each other as our long-forgotten punk instincts took over, and the band took advantage of our heightened energy as they moved into the dance-punk club banger, “Brats,” from WIXIW. It was as if the Liars from 2001 met the Liars from 2012 and made a song together—too bad nobody knew how to dance, because this would have been the time for it. … read more

The Boards Reunion Show with Avon Calling and Gnawing Suspicion...
As these sages of punk rock strap on their guitars and study their set lists, the crowd of two dozen aged rockers (and a couple young punks like myself) watches anxiously, sensing the nervous energy in the bar. The guys haven’t forgotten how to kick ass, though, and they start with some of the oldies—stripped down punk rock n’ fuckin’ roll. … read more

Found Footage Festival @ Brewvies 11.29
The Found Footage Festival, which originated in NYC in 2004, is comprised of a nationwide tour of various US cities. They insist that in eight years of the festival, this year’s footage is the most unsettling yet. I believe them. … read more

Sundance Film Review: Who Is Dayani Cristal?
A man recites “A Migrant’s Prayer” in Spanish, backpack in hand, as he prepares for a treacherous journey north across the Mexican border, into the USA. … read more

Sundance Film Review: Pussy Riot: A Punk Prayer
On February 12, 2012, the punk-informed feminist art collective Pussy Riot stormed the altar at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, clad in colorful dresses and balaclavas, screaming “It’s God’s shit!” in a performance art piece that would be heard of around the world. … read more

Sundance Channel Series Review: New American Noise
This six-part documentary series produced by Somesuch & Co. and Nokia Music delves into the underground music scenes of six cities across the U.S.—the sticky strip clubs of Atlanta, the twerk battles of New Orleans sissy bounce parties, the guerilla shoegaze concert on some bridge thing in Portland. … read more

Sundance Film Review: Crystal Fairy
Jamie (Michael Cera) an American living in Chile, and his Chilean friend Champa (Juan Andrés Silva) have made plans to go on a road trip into the desert and ingest the psychedelic San Pedro cactus with Champa’s younger brothers (Agustín and José Miguel Silva). While at a house party the night before the trip, Jamie smokes weed, snorts coke and accidentally invites the hippie girl he just met to go on the trip with him. By morning, Jamie has forgotten about the previous night and the boys hit the road. But the girl (Gaby Hoffman), and American who calls herself Crystal Fairy, hasn’t forgotten—she’s on a bus to the desert and calls Jamie, asking to be picked up. … read more