Review: Alessandro Cortini – Risveglio

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Local Reviews: Stag Hare

Local Reviews: Stag Hare

Chirping birds, folk guitar, non-Western percussion and droning static harmonies � all of these aspects usually equal something you try your hardest to ignore while a Yoga instructor orders you to relax during Savasana. So why is Black Medicine Music, a disc forged with these ingredients, so interesting? … read more

Local Reviews: Ghastly Hatchling

Local Reviews: Ghastly Hatchling

It seems that everyone and his leather-clad dog in Salt Lake is a “noise band” these days. As you may have experienced, half of these follow the “turn on machines, wave hands around, tweak knobs in an angry fashion, call it a piece of music” aesthetic. … read more

Local Reviews: Nolens Volens & NJ Foster

Local Reviews: Nolens Volens & NJ Foster

Nick “is that a Max/MSP patch?” and Andrew “I record everything in the red” Glassett is the creative duo behind this release, a tour du musique electronique, Pierre Schaeffer to Klaxons.  … read more

Local Reviews: The VCR Quintet

Local Reviews: The VCR Quintet

Like much of Ikue Mori’s pre-laptop, dual drum-machine work and Autechre’s slowly deteriorating sequences on their Untilted album, Joe Greathouse’s (aka Thrillhouse) VCR5 project works in a rhizomic fashion.  … read more

Poptone @ Swing House (Los Angeles) 04.21 with Bauhaus, Tones on Tail and Love and Rockets

Poptone @ Swing House (Los Angeles) 04.21 with Bauhaus, Tones...

On April 21st, around 500 people gathered in Los Angeles at the Swing House to see Poptone—the music of Bauhaus, Tones on Tail, and Love and Rockets. … read more

Review: Meat Beat Manifesto: Travelogue Live ’05

Review: Meat Beat Manifesto: Travelogue Live ’05

Meat Beat Manifesto: Travelogue Live ’05 Producer Jack Dangers/Editor Ben Stokes MVD Visual Street: 11.21.06 Big-beat pioneers Meat Beat Manifesto and their eminent racks of electronics were in town last year. Did you sleep on it? Unfortunately, there is no way to properly replicate the once-in-a-blue-moon multimedia experience of the current MBM quartet (featuring spectacular

Busdriver with Daedelus and Antimc

Busdriver with Daedelus and Antimc

I’ll skip my rants about In the Venue’s penchant for always booking a large crowd show and a small crowd show (trying to hear the small show over the din of said large show is impossible) and just say thanks for leaving me and every other journalist off the Liars/Interpol list. … read more

Nine Inch Nails review

Nine Inch Nails review

Many years ago, fans went to a Nine Inch Nails show for two reasons: to hear how the band could turn Trent Reznor’s headphone music into the Tenth Level of Hell and to watch this group smash enough instruments to fill a Guitar Center.  … read more

Meat Beat Manifesto: An Unexpected Rhythm

Meat Beat Manifesto: An Unexpected Rhythm

A lyric via MC Young Cassius on Meat Beat Manifesto’s 2008 album Autoimmune is a fitting slogan for the group’s main man Jack Dangers: “… as heavy as motherfuckin’ Buicks.” For over two decades, Dangers (née Corrigan) has pioneered, employed, expanded and mastered so many so-called electronica and sample-based styles, and “heavy” is the only way to describe him. … read more