Authors: Dave Madden

Review: 33 1/3 Greatest Hits, Volume 1
33 1/3 Greatest Hits, Volume 1 Edited by David Barker Continuum Street: 10.30 As the disclaimer at the beginning of this book advises, the 33 1/3 Greatest Hit series is not for everyone. People who canonize their favorite albums, feeling that their commitment to and investigation of said discs (i.e. the search for the actual

Review: Cult Rock Posters
Cult Rock Posters Roger Crimlis and Alwyn W. Turner Billboard Books Street: 10.06.06 Self-appointed Knight of Glam, Bryan Ferry, once said, “Something not only has to sound good, but also has to feel good and look good.” This is indeed true of most musical fads, but particularly anyone involved in the glam, punk and new-wave

Review: Moogfest 2006 Live
Moogfest 2006 Live MVD Visual Street: 07.17 Moogfest 2006 Live serves as a sequel of sorts to the 2004 feature, Moog, sort of a now-watch-these-instruments-in-action presentation. However, whereas the former release focuses on artists who have or currently use various Moog synthesizers to push music forward (Meat Beat Manifesto, Charlie Clouser, Luke Vibert), this feature stars
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Local Reviews: The Tenants of Balthazar’s Castle
Michael Biggs’ (aka The Tenants of Balthazar’s Castle) music requires patience, but that patience is rewarded with intrigue. Divided into three movements, Biggs starts the set with “Room (Dream),” a fairly grumbling, sometimes explosive, sub-frequency driven mix of oscillated gestures and reedy snippets. … read more

Nine Inch Nails: The Latter Years
I love the band Nine Inch Nails. Is it rare to wholeheartedly devote yourself to everything a group (and, mostly, a single artist) puts out when you didn’t hear the music until your early 20s? This isn’t the stuff that got me through—and fostered—teenage angst. … read more