They Might Be Giants @ The Depot 06.08

They Might Be Giants @ The Depot 06.08

Leading up to this concert, I heard a lot about how people either dislike or “don’t get” They Might Be Giants, which is a shame because in an era where indie rock is starting to reign supreme again, you’d think there’s be a lot more music-critic love for a band of this caliber coming through town. When it comes right down to it, TMBG know how to put on a show for the fans, not just diehards or people who barely discovered them—everyone, to the point where the audience themselves become part of the performance. So it was no surprise (and a genuine relief to a longtime SLC concert attendee) to see a room full of people excited to be at a show.  … read more

Local Reviews: Max Pain & The Groovies

Local Reviews: Max Pain & The Groovies

Channeling the late ‘60s/early ‘70s groove that once fueled the Human Be-In and the Summer Of Love, Pain and company find a niche between the psychedelic and heavy rock for their own modern movement. The heavy guitar riffs echo out of every track like a continuous wave of reverb, bending and weaving without a break and are accompanied by a cool bass and drumbeat that keep pace throughout. … read more

Local Reviews: The Heavens And The Earth

Local Reviews: The Heavens And The Earth

Put together with more Moog technology than some may have thought existed, this short five-track electronica EP doesn’t encompass the average “techno club” vibe. Kosmichete was created entirely by Matt McMurray with a touch of mastering from Andrew Glassett (Nolens Volens). … read more

Local Reviews: The Wayne Hoskins Band

Local Reviews: The Wayne Hoskins Band

The Wayne Hoskins Band have earned the reputation of being one of those groups you’ve heard of frequently, but have yet to see, partially because they spend most of their time on the festival circuit as a daylight band. Unfortunately, trying to take that big-stage feeling to pressing falls short.  … read more

Looking At September: Dan Far Talks Comic Con Planning

Looking At September: Dan Far Talks Comic Con Planning

Last week, the fine folks of Salt Lake Comic Con popped into The Leonardo for an official press conference to announce plans for September. … read more

The Davey Foundation: Looking Ahead and Inspiring

The Davey Foundation: Looking Ahead and Inspiring

Over the next two days, The Davey Foundation will be presenting a pair of events that will focus on filmmaking—bringing up new names and discussing the art form. … read more

They Might Be Giants @ The Depot 05.05

They Might Be Giants @ The Depot 05.05

One of the coolest things about being a They Might Be Giants fan is the knowledge that it doesn’t really matter what era the band is in, how many times you’ve seen them or even if you like their latest album—their live shows kick all sorts of humorous ass. … read more

Top 5: Baby Ghosts

Top 5: Baby Ghosts

Baby Ghosts are one of those surprise bands who were kind of overlooked when they arrived in 2010, but slowly grew on audiences as they got around and played all-ages gigs in Provo and Salt Lake City. The aggressive pop-punk rockers are one of those groups that, quite frankly, we may not deserve yet in the music scene. … read more

Intro: David Williams in a Dramatic Light

Intro: David Williams in a Dramatic Light

Salt Lake Americana songwriter David Williams will find himself in a different spotlight this month as the star of the dramatic film, Intro. The latest cinematic creation from director Brandon Cahoon will be one of the featured films heading into the 2012 Salt Lake City Film Festival. Cahoon had fallen in love with the idea of living with a musician and figuring out what makes them tick. Rather than do the traditional documentary style, he envisioned creating a dramatic film with Williams as the musical star. … read more

David Ross Fetzer 12.17.82 – 12.20.12

David Ross Fetzer 12.17.82 – 12.20.12

The first time I met David Fetzer, we bumped heads. Literally. I rounded a corner in the Tower Theatre too quickly and ran into David head first. After two minutes of apologies, he introduced me to the event’s co-creator for an interview, we exchanged numbers, and then he took off to go act in a play. Since that time, I’ve had the honorary pleasure of being able to call David a good friend … and a great co-conspirator for creativity. … read more