Authors: Jared Soper
The Bellrays
Do Not Obey: The Bellrays Bust Boundaries with their One-of-a-Kind Rock n’ Soul When talked about in larger publications The BellRays usually get lumped in with the so-called “garage rock revival.” Not only have The BellRays been playing their patented brand of maximum rock n’ soul for much longer than that stupid tag has been
Whip it Good: Prepare to be Dominated by the Coachwhips
When I called to schedule this interview, I got an answering machine, which, in the spirit of George Castanza’s answering machine on Seinfeld, is a reworking of a famous pop tune (only in this case, the message is about “walking on down to K-Mart to buy some shoes” set to the music of “Electric Ave.”)
THE TROUBLE WITH MUSIC MAT CALLAHAN AK Press Street: 02.01.05 Who better than a seasoned musician to give us a leftist critique of the corrupt corporate music industry? As a rallying cry to independent musicians and freethinkers everywhere, Mat Callahan, guitarist for world-beat combo The Looters, felt it due time for such a diatribe and
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