Authors: Jeff Guay

Local Review: The Adonis – The Bugs That Gave Me...
The Adonis The Bugs That Gave Me Nightmares I’m Serious It’s a Joke Records Street: 2005 The Adonis = The Get Up Kids + Death Cab For Cutie “I’m a pretty nice guy/ With a couple bad habits,” lead singer Andrew Shaw sings, describing The Adonis’ sound more articulately than I would have been able

Local Review: SEQ CHAPTER h r 1Venus Euphoric – The...
SEQ CHAPTER h r 1Venus Euphoric The Other Nine Planets Are Next The Collective Intellegence/Chabrama Record Street: 2006 Venus Euphoric = AFI + any number of bands that sound like AFI What can be said about a band that isn’t fresh, creative or very interesting? Is it different if it is of a genre that

Localized: Bob Log II
Localized is every second Friday of the month at the Urban Lounge, a private club for members. This month it falls on Sept. 14th. Bad Brad Wheeler’s new band, Pink Lightnin’, will grace the stage with a non-local, Bob Log III. Electric Space Jhiad will open the show. Bob Log III will also play the
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What is That Noise? Come on, Feel the Noise! Make...
It was an uncharacteristically dry President’s Day weekend in Portland, Oregon, and I was hosting a crew of friends who had come to visit from LA, the Bay area, and my former home of Salt Lake City. It had been a while since we had all been in the same town together, and we were appropriately wasted off of a hefty amount of inappropriate booze (Goldschlager and Hamm’s). … read more

Sasquatch Festival 2008
My Carbon Footprint is as Big as My Wang* A Belated after-the-fact mini travelogue from Memorial Day 2008 in which a Utah native turned Portland area Radio Shack employee has experiences both musical and existential. … read more

My Bloody Valentine Show Review
I could hear tiny symphonies at the ceiling or giant orchestras tucked in the corners of the room, miniature melodies layered underneath a massive wall of sound. I had forgotten myself, which is of course the first symptom of a good show, and was unwittingly staring at my shoes. … read more

Review: Changing Times
Changing Times Andre Techine Koch Lorber Films Street: 10.03 Changing Times is a French romantic drama starring Gerard Depardieu and Catherine Deneuve. What’s the matter, still not convinced you should see it? Depardieu stars as a Parisian businessman who has traveled to Algeria where he finds Deneuve, an old flame now married to a doctor.

Review: Greg The Bunny: Best of the Film Parodies
Greg The Bunny: Best of the Film Parodies Spencer Chinoy IFC/Shout! Factory Street: 10.24 Is the mere concept of foul-mouthed puppets funny? If you’ve ever seen Meet the Feebles, you know that it takes a few venereal diseases, a shit-eating fly and a gun-yielding hippo to lift that concept off the ground. When Greg the

Review: The True Legend of the Eiffel Tower
The True Legend of the Eiffel Tower Simon Brook Koch Vision Street: 10.03 I’ve been waiting for my chance to use superfluous French euphemisms in my reviews. Perhaps this, a critique of a docu-drama about the Eiffel Tower, is the right time to get my joie de vivre on. Do you know Gustave Eiffel’s raison