Review: Grand Bavarian

Review: Grand Bavarian

  July beers are all about drinkability. Sure, have a big, malty barleywine on occasion, but when the heat is on, your body will quickly split with your mind, and it’s gonna want something a bit more drinkable and hydrating. Damn near every beer style out there has a lighter, quenchable subcategory that will keep

April 2015 – Beer Reviews

April 2015 – Beer Reviews

It used to be that Utah was a beer wasteland. For decades, it was impossible to get your hands on quality beers that were made outside of the state. This all changed in 2010 when Utah’s lawmakers created a variance that would allow beer distributors to store the beer and allocate all of that precious state warehouse space for liquor and wine.

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March 2015 Beer Reviews

March 2015 Beer Reviews

Living in Utah and loving beer has always been a bit of challenge when it comes to that fermented grain. It gets virtually no respect from a government that is tasked to control and distribute it, who treats it like a cheap, bottomshelf vodka that will remain virtually unchanged for years.

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Brian & Dede’s Excellent Beer Adventure: 2 Row

Brian & Dede’s Excellent Beer Adventure: 2 Row

In a short five years, 2 Row founder Brian Coleman went from a casual beer lover to a “beer baron.” 

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Park City’s New Namesake Brewery

Park City’s New Namesake Brewery

The people of Park City love their beer—they deserve a brewery with some staying power. I think they’ve found it.

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The Wheel of Beer

The Wheel of Beer

Sure, paper menus are fine, but there’s nothing like having a real-time digital menu at your fingertips. After a few months, with little feedback on this tiny option in a tiny corner of The Bayou’s website, something odd began happening.

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The Beer Collector – Carlos Gallegos

The Beer Collector – Carlos Gallegos

After many years collecting, Carlos Gallegos became known as the “Utah Guy” among his fellow collectors in the breweriana world—that’s what they call their hobby of collecting beer memorabilia.

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June 2015 Beer Reviews

June 2015 Beer Reviews

From light and dry to tart and fruity to hop bombs, we’ve got your summer sippin’ situation well in hand. 

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May 2015 Beer Reviews

May 2015 Beer Reviews

There’s that old adage: “If it ain’t broke, then don’t fix it!” In a nutshell, that’s our ancestors screaming at us from the past, telling us to leave a good thing alone. In many cases, that’s true—there are hundreds of things that impact our daily lives that have remained virtually unchanged since they were brought to our attention.


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January 2015 Beer Reviews

January 2015 Beer Reviews

Oi! Thank Thor the holidays are over! Every year, the Christmaquanzukkah ass-kicking boot seems to find its target more and more often on my delicate, beer-loving tushy. By the time January rolls around, I’m definitely in need of some of that cliché New Year’s resolution bullshit.

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