Local Music Singles Roundup: October 2021

Local Music Singles Roundup: October 2021
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SLUG is here with the power of the “Local Music Singles Roundup.” These songs are perfect for getting those finishing touches on your costume … read more

Review: Halsey – If I Can’t Have Love, I Want Power
Local Music Singles Roundup: August 2021

Local Music Singles Roundup: August 2021
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As summer’s end grows near, this month’s Local Music Single Roundup has everything for those not ready to let go. … read more

Review: Jason Jamal – Sweet
Local Music Singles Roundup: June 2021

Local Music Singles Roundup: June 2021
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While we wait for everyone to get their doses of the COVID-19 vaccine, pop on some local tunes to rock out and welcome these brighter days! … read more

Review: Olivia Rodrigo – SOUR
Local Review: Angie Petty – Timing
Virtualized: Bri Ray

Virtualized: Bri Ray

Bri Ray is all about creativity in its purest form—the type that allows unbounded emotion, conveys freedom and undiluted expressionism. … read more

Virtualized: Jay Warren

Virtualized: Jay Warren

Jay Warren is a careful artist, in the sense that he’s very strategic and detail-oriented about every moment of his creative process. … read more

Local Review: Nicholas James – Somebody New

Local Review: Nicholas James – Somebody New

Nicholas James’, Somebody New, makes it clear that he has the stuff and that his future in music is wide open to a range of possibilities. … read more