Authors: Robert Hudak

Playstation Experience: KLAUS Preview
I don’t even want to think about the kind of person I would be today if the “Blue Bomber” was as conflicted with the very nature of his existence as Klaus. … read more

Divinity: Original Sin Enhanced Edition
Divinity: Original Sin Enhanced Edition is a triumph for both the RPG video game and console gamers … read more

Review: Butterfly – Hardcover Collection
Two different illustrators pen the pages in Butterfly with a surprising degree of continuity. Antonio Fuso’s illustrations in the first two chapters blend seamlessly with the latter half. … read more

Review: Broken Sword 5: The Serpent’s Curse
Broken Sword 5: The Serpent’s Curse manages to rekindle my love for the point-and-click puzzle adventure genre with only a few stumbles along the way. … read more

Review: Missing: An Interactive Thriller
Missing: An Interactive Thriller Zandel Media Reviewed on: PC Also on: Android, iOS, Kindle Street: 05.25 My introduction to full motion video games (or FMV for short) began in 1995 with Phantasmagoria. I smile remembering those nights spent sneaking into the computer room with my sisters to witness scene after horrific scene, following mystery writer

Salt Lake Gaming Con – Day Two
By Robert Hudak On Friday, I arrived at the South Towne Expo Center just before noon to a pleasant surprise; better structure and a larger turnout lifted my spirits for Salt Lake Gaming Con’s three-day event. Where Thursday was the beta access, Friday felt like something closer to a full release. A few booths, Microsoft

Salt Lake Gaming Con: The PC vs. Console Panel –...
From the beginning, I struggled to see the point of this panel. I get that there are different camps of gamers and different platforms catering to those camps, but at the end of the day, we’re all gamers. I expected a degree of elitism to rear its ugly head during the “debate,” and in some ways,

Salt Lake Gaming Con – Day One
Gaming conventions have a subpar record in our backyard. The GEEX expos of 2010-11 felt more like military recruiting grounds with some new tech on display than cons. I attended GEEX in 2011 with the aspiration of winning a Gears of War tournament. Oh, how naive I was. I didn’t expect much of a turnout (and