Headwear To Shredwear: Discrete Clothing Wants Your Body

Headwear To Shredwear: Discrete Clothing Wants Your Body

Carr’s beanie-covered head, and the mind inside it, are responsible for Discrete Clothing—formerly Discrete Headwear. SLUG had the chance to meet with him in his headquarters looking over Exchange Place in Salt Lake City to get the lowdown on the new stuff. … read more

Tacos and Graffiti: An Interview with Anthony Ortega

Tacos and Graffiti: An Interview with Anthony Ortega

For as long as he can remember, Ortega has been dabbling in art. Whether it was ceramics or spray paint, he has always had his hands covered in something. … read more

Fluid Art and the Craft @ UMOCA 11.07

Fluid Art and the Craft @ UMOCA 11.07

A contemporary art museum would be the last place I’d expect to find a decent microbrew, and frankly, I’m a bit burnt out on wine pourings in the back room at an art gallery. The merriment of these two was a great display of what craft beer and art bring to the table. … read more

November 2014 Gallery Stroll: Work Up That Appetite

November 2014 Gallery Stroll: Work Up That Appetite

Poor November. Despite the presence of a historically wonderful and gluttonous dinner, this month typically doesn’t have much going on, which makes it a great month to get out and Gallery Stroll. … read more

Creature Feature: Lisa Dank – Drag Thing

Creature Feature: Lisa Dank – Drag Thing

Lisa Dank was born in Ogden and, three years ago, came to Salt Lake with wide, white eyes and a Trapper Keeper full of bright, bratty personality. Dank, who prefers male pronouns in and outside of performance, was soon spotted onstage at Pure (now Hydrate) by Cartel Chameleon Fenice, who was recruiting performers for a fledgling performance collective affectionately called the Bad Kids. … read more

SLUG Style: Zade Womack

SLUG Style: Zade Womack

Finding his balance between form and utilitarian purposes, SLUG says Womack does a pretty good job at owning up to what he describes as “functional/slacker/professional” style. … read more

SLUG Style: Cardi Buetler

SLUG Style: Cardi Buetler

“Style gives you the ability to be an individual on a regular basis,” Cardi Buetler says. “Everyone has their own identity, and style lets them present that every day in whatever they’re doing.” … read more

Gallery Stroll – Well, That’s Different: Gallery Strolling with Mariah Mann Mellus

Gallery Stroll – Well, That’s Different: Gallery Strolling with Mariah...

During October’s Gallery Stroll, which will be held Oct. 17 from 6–9 p.m., I’ll be heading over to the Art Access Gallery for the opening of Differences, A Dialogue. … read more

Creature Feature: ODGE

Creature Feature: ODGE

“We try to exude fear and anxiety and the stress of being human. When we do perform as Odge, we usually go from a point of fear and move to a more hopeful thing; they each have their little moment to speak when we perform.” … read more

DOVAD, Do as I Do – Weber State University’s Biennal Faculty Exhibition

DOVAD, Do as I Do – Weber State University’s Biennal...

Educators at Weber State University (WSU) led by example Friday night at the opening reception for the Department of Visual Art & Design (DOVAD) Biennial Faculty Exhibition in the campus’ own, Mary Elizabeth Dee Shaw Gallery. Thirty-one faculty members displayed their works, fifteen of which were female, a record-breaking number on both accounts for faculty participation. … read more