SLUG Style: Victor Blandon

SLUG Style: Victor Blandon

Victor “Vic” Blandon (@vhsvic) is a member of the band Cool Banana. He is an animator, puppeteer, and collector of ephemera and objects. In this month’s SLUG Style, Victor emulates the “Lei Low” cocktail that will be available at the May 18 SLUG Mag Brewstillery as the featured cocktail. Every month, SLUG Style features a distinct and unique

Rich Soil: SLC Artist Siri Elaine

Rich Soil: SLC Artist Siri Elaine

Siri Elaine’s working toward her latest exhibition, called Rooted, in April at Commonwealth Studios, which will be an ambitious series of installations designed to immerse the viewer. … read more

Creature Feature: Michael Elliott is a Diamond in the Rough

Creature Feature: Michael Elliott is a Diamond in the Rough
By ,

Over the last year, Elliott has been coordinating the SLC SLAY event—an east coast ball-inspired dance competition. … read more

LeWitt’s Wall Drawing #33: UMFA Gets Some Sol

LeWitt’s Wall Drawing #33: UMFA Gets Some Sol

The work of an artist who died over a decade ago has been installed in the Utah Museum of Fine Art (UMFA) … read more

Changing Space: Modern West’s New Gallery

Changing Space: Modern West’s New Gallery

Diane Stewart’s and Shalee Cooper’s new vision with Modern West is to expand and shift from being a fine arts gallery to a contemporary one. … read more

Come Together: The International Tolerance Project

Come Together: The International Tolerance Project

This January, The Utah Museum of Fine Arts will host The International Tolerance Project: Promoting Through Design in its “ACME Lab” wing of the museum. … read more

SLUG Style: Rebecca Baker

SLUG Style: Rebecca Baker

Rebecca Baker is a librarian and grad student. She is a paper and print maker, and has her own zine called That Smarts. … read more

Postcards From London by Lynn Kilpatrick

Postcards From London by Lynn Kilpatrick

These micro-essays are part of a longer series, “Postcards from London,” which Lynn Kilpatrick wrote after taking students on a Study Abroad class to London where she stayed at a hostel on Cromwell Road in Kensington. … read more

Heavy Lifting: Works by Molly Morin

Heavy Lifting: Works by Molly Morin

Molly Morin’s works are grounded in the sport and spirit of weightlifting but suspended in the relevance of humans maneuvering through their internalized circuitry. … read more

SLUG Style: Melina Zissou

SLUG Style: Melina Zissou

Melina Zissou is a bartender, traveler and avid reader. She is known as one of the friendliest faces at Twilite Lounge. … read more