
Review: Le Petit Lieutenant
Le Petit Lieutenant Xavier Beauvois Koch Lorber Films Street: 04.17 The police crime genre is one that is inundated with small variations on ultimately similar stories. A rookie cop is usually a prime main character, said rookie cop is a standout of his class, an out of the ordinary crime occurs and the rookie cop

Review: La Belle Captive
La Belle Captive Alain Robbe-Grillet Koch Lorber Street: 03.13 Watch out movie fans, any distribution company with the word “Lorber” in it, is bound not to be technically up to par, and this DVD is no exception. La Belle Captive is one of Alain Robbe-Grillet’s later works that seems to recapitulate themes from some of his

Review: The Films of Kenneth Anger: Volume One
The Films of Kenneth Anger: Volume One Kenneth Anger Fantoma Street: 01.23 Finally the films of Kenneth Anger are being restored, and restored beautifully at that. Forever (literally), Anger’s films have been out-of-print due to copyright issues concerning pop songs in his films. Anger’s influence stems from his idiosyncratic vision and inspiration to combine stylistic,

Review: Escape to Canada
Escape to Canada Albert Nerenberg The Disinformation Company Ltd. Street: 05.22 I don’t think I have ever cringed so often during a documentary in my entire life. No, not because there was shocking material presented in a thought-provoking way, but instead because of the absolutely absurd ties between marijuana and gay marriage, hilariously terrible and

Review: Einstuerzende Neubauten
Einstuerzende Neubauten Palast Der Republik MVDvisual Street: 03.13 Nowadays, in order to be an industrial act all you have to do is have a drilling beat and a few steam whistles. In this DVD, Neubauten revitalizes the term “industry” in industrial music. Not so much a band as a performance group, Neubauten continues to be

Review: 131st Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show
131st Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show USA Network Street 05.15 Dog shows are an awesome commentary on modern society. They showcase the extreme end of spending too much time and money on animals. Still, dog shows are cool as hell to watch, and the Westminster Kennel Club show is maybe the top event of its

Review: The War on the War on Drugs
The War on the War on Drugs Cevin Soling Disinformation Street: 04.03 By doing drugs you are executing your rights as a citizen of the United States. By doing drugs you are protesting to change unjust laws. Really doing drugs is one of the most patriotic things that a person can do, at least that’s what

Review: A Texas Tale of Treason
When Alex Cox allowed a group of aging punkers from Texas to make the sequel to his 1984 cult classic Repo Man, what did he really expect to get back? … read more

Review: Oasis
Oasis Morning Glory: A Classic Album under Review Sexy Intellectual Street: 03.13 By now you know the formula: a few British journalists, a contemporary musician and maybe a friend or foe of the band offer up their opinions regarding an album, often assessing the scene that was with a great amount of hindsight. Having lived

Review: Hostage
Hostage Constantine Giannaris Koch Lorber Street: 02.13 Hostage is, as Milhouse Van Houten once said, “like Speed 2, only on a bus instead of a boat!” It tells the story of Senia, a scruffy, young Albanian immigrant who, armed with an assault rifle and a grenade, hijacks a bus one summer morning in northern Greece.