Beer Reviews 1/13

Beer Reviews 1/13

Getting a beer-reviewing gig is no easy thing––every asshole out there with a tongue can pretty much tell you if they like or don’t like a beer.  Apart from being a conniving bastard, I’ve also been writing about the local beer scene at the Utah Beer Blog for the last seven years. I think I have a pretty good pulse on Utah’s beer culture and hope you can find some use for my reviews. … read more

Dear Dickheads – January 2015

Dear Dickheads – January 2015

Dear SLUG;
You seem to be in the know (or at least pretend to), so what the fuck is up with Geeks Who Drink and Trivia Factory invading our bars? Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy the occasional quiz night with friends from one of the locally-created games, but these bullshit monstrosity quiz nights have invaded our valley and turned every night of the week into a super-strict by-the-book yelling match between nerds. … read more

Beautiful Godzila: Down Here, It’s Our Time—It’s Our Time, Down Here

Beautiful Godzila: Down Here, It’s Our Time—It’s Our Time, Down...

A cloud of warm air forces its way through the loose loops of yarn on the crocheted scarf covering my mouth as I pull my bike out of the shed. What doesn’t make it past my mom’s needlework fills in pockets of moist heat around my face, providing a comforting sensation in contrast to the dry freeze that’s stinging my uncovered eyes. I’m wearing enough layers to regret the extra hoodie after the first hill, but if I’d tensed from a single shiver walking out the door, I might’ve changed my mind and stayed in. Besides, the only humans awake at this hour to witness my pit stains and matted hair are busy with someone’s hand up their skirt in the back of a cab. … read more

Mike Brown’s Monthly Dirt: Puke!

Mike Brown’s Monthly Dirt: Puke!

To be a decent writer, I feel that it’s important to write about stuff you know about. Refer to the saying: “Never trust a skinny chef.” I am by no means an expert on writing, but if there’s one thing I do know a thing or two about, it’s vomit. Having hurled many, many times in my short life, I feel I’m a skinny chef you actually can trust while navigating the seas of puke. So, for this article all about throw-up, please allow me to be your chumpass. … read more

Princess Kennedy: The Great Wig-Out of 2013

Princess Kennedy: The Great Wig-Out of 2013

Cleopatra had hers dyed with saffron, the ancient Romans made them for their statues, Baroque times dictated men wear them, and women adorned them with the most preposterous scenes. Pastiche, peruke, rug, weave, periwig or toupee: Welcome to the wonderful, wacky world of wigs! … read more

Aspen Harvey Hunt 08.28.75-01.27.10

Aspen Harvey Hunt 08.28.75-01.27.10

Aspen Harvey Hunt was born into this world named Richard Harvey Padley Jr., but on account of our dad being a total douchebag, he quickly took on the name Harvey after our grandfather, a kind and gentle man. Not long after that, he legally changed his name to Aspen Harvey Hunt to honor our other grandfather and the aspen tree, the largest organism on the planet—as big as his personality. He seemed to change names like he changed girlfriends. … read more

Millworks Skateboard MFG.: Out of the Trash, Into the Streets

Millworks Skateboard MFG.: Out of the Trash, Into the Streets

There is something magical about taking what some people consider garbage and recycling it to give it new life. This is especially magical when that garbage needing to be recycled is your old skateboard.  Millworks Skateboard Manufacturing, or in more appropriate terms, re-manufacturing, is a small venture started about a year ago out of the Millcreek garage of Aaron Schwendiman. “It started from just a stack of old decks,” Schwendiman says. “Every skateboarder has a pile of old decks—I just wanted to make them skate-able again.” … read more

Building Boards After Dark

Building Boards After Dark

After Dark Skateboards is a new, thriving project in the Salt Lake City community. Owner, creator and visionary Mark Judd brings his fine-tuned woodworking expertise from the cabinetry industry to his passion for skateboarding, making some of the highest-quality handmade skateboards in America. On an almost daily basis, you will find Judd slaving away at his craft, making sure every After Dark skateboard is pressed, shaped, printed and packaged to meet his personal standard. … read more

Photo Feature: Mike Murdock

Photo Feature: Mike Murdock

What I said before about going out with a real tight plan to get a photo––that doesn’t always work.  Sometimes, after an exhausting hour of trying the planned trick, you decide to move on and try something else. Sometimes you strike gold and end up with something better than the plan. Mike Murdock struck gold at this barely skateable bump. … read more

Photo Feature: Dylan Thompson

Photo Feature: Dylan Thompson

I can’t believe it’s 2013 and I’m writing about the fact that Alta still won’t allow snowboarders on its slopes. If anyone would have bet me 25 years ago that weed would be completely legal in a few states, gay people could marry and we’d have a two-term black president before Alta would cave in and finally allow snowboarding, I would have most certainly taken that wager. And that’s why I’m not a betting man. … read more