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NOVA Chamber Music Series @ Libby Gardner 10.28

NOVA Chamber Music Series @ Libby Gardner 10.28

The NOVA series––from the board, administrators and musicians to the season ticket holders––are a bit of a family, with shared values of culture and adventure reflected in a passion for the music, which is diverse, daring, and thoughtfully programmed. Each show offers some of the startlingly new, but some of the “new” is also 100 years old and you just haven’t heard it yet.  … read more

Diamond in the Rough: Alta Ski Resort Celebrates its 75th Anniversary With Wasatch Beers

Diamond in the Rough: Alta Ski Resort Celebrates its 75th...

Nov. 1, 2012 marked the culmination of nearly six months of hard work and collaborative efforts to produce a product as unique as Utah powder. … read more

Zine Reviews – November 2012

Zine Reviews – November 2012

A.B.A.Q. – Issue 1, Diamond Tooth and Filler #1 are reviewed. … read more

Video Game Reviews – November 2012

Video Game Reviews – November 2012

This month, Inquisitor and The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings are reviewed. … read more

Product Reviews – November 2012

Product Reviews – November 2012

Products from Contract Snowboards, GBX Shoes, Logitech, Provo Craft and Zensah
 are reviewed. … read more

Beer Reviews – November 2012

Beer Reviews – November 2012

The year is wrapping up and our brewers have yet to settle on their stock beers. With even more beers on the horizon—and given my current sobriety level—I figured a muddling of selections is in order. We have lined up for you a long overdue addition to RedRock’s bottled series, a twist on a Uinta staple which ought to make you wet and a Pro-Am hopeful that was sent off to the Great American Beer Festival. … read more

Amy Goodman @ The Rose Wagner 10.29.12

Amy Goodman @ The Rose Wagner 10.29.12

I was in a room full of  liberals. They all probably listen to RadioActive after Democracy Now!, but when was the last time they were really politically engaged? When was the last time they handed out literature or questioned their own political perspective? This was the message Amy Goodman left us with—to demand change, to make change—not to wait for it. … read more

Dear Dickheads – November 2012

Dear Dickheads – November 2012

Dear Dickheads,
I would just like to point out a tragedy that is befalling our youth and young adults these days, and that is the “swag movement”. And for the love of God, please stop saying YOLO for fucking everything. You really do only live once, so you probably shouldn’t be a douchebag in the process. … read more

Beautiful Godzilla: Giving Cranks: Pedalin’ Away The Holiday Blues

Beautiful Godzilla: Giving Cranks: Pedalin’ Away The Holiday Blues

Every year around November, cyclists across the nation group together for their own two-wheeled holiday tradition, Cranksgiving: the alleycat that gives back. Traditionally, Cranksgiving is a scavenger-hunt-style bike race where you ride to different grocery stores and buy food, which is donated at the end. Salt Lake has served as host to this event annually since I joined the scene a few years ago, organized by a variety of individuals, but it was Christy Jens who stepped up to take charge for 2012.
  … read more

Oh Mai Vietnamese Sandwich Kitchen: Headcheese Is Our Friend

Oh Mai Vietnamese Sandwich Kitchen: Headcheese Is Our Friend

My first visit to Oh Mai not only challenged my perspective of what a sandwich could be, but left me with an appreciation of this cultural staple. … read more