Busting Out the Lowcard
In 2002, while playing lottery tickets, zine maker and skater Rob Collinson’s slap-happy pamphlets would unofficially become a mag. Ironically enough, the name for Lowcard came to Collinson while he was scratching away on a lotto ticket titled “High Card.” The object of the ticket was to reveal the highest card and win some cash-ola. However, Collinson confesses that, “I always got low cards on the tickets.” … read more
Roger That: Michael Sieben Talks Art and Skateboards
Austin-based artist Michael Sieben may not be a household name, but his art has been seen by skateboarders, art aficionados and mall-walkers for close to a decade, even if people haven’t been able to match the name with the artist. Sieben will be one of more than 20 artists submitting pieces to Salt Lake City’s own FICE for their All Dead art show, being displayed on Friday, Nov. 2. Sieben was awesome enough to talk to SLUG about his influences, past galleries and skateboard company, Roger Skateboards. … read more
Not Just Another October Evening
Take a moment and think back to that feeling you used to get as a kid around Halloween: that deliciously spooky cobweb of eeriness cast over everything, with decorations and tricks everywhere, celebrating all things creepy. That’s the feeling Christel Edwards and Stephen Simmons are looking for when they put together their annual, fall spook-fest extravaganza, An October Evening. It has become a sought-after event for artists, filmmakers, designers and performers to showcase their work. … read more
A Not So Rough Life at Roughside III
2012 marks the third annual Summer of Death skate contest in collaboration with Roughneck Trading Co. Johnny Roughneck and his crew traveled from San Francisco to Salt Lake City to rip up the streets and bring a small piece of the BART Tour to us. This year’s Roughside Contest, presented by Scion, was held on Saturday, Sept. 8. It started at Fairmont Skate Park and traveled to multiple secret, scouted spots around the city. … read more
Matchstick Productions: Superheroes of Stoke @ Cliff Lodge 09.29
The premise of this film chronicles the ascendance of the sport and the colorful cast of talent that make the impossible possible. The O.G. superheroes like Dean Cummings, Doug Coombs and Mike Douglas show off their skills and perform acrobatic feats on skis longer than your couch. … read more
WRD: Midnight Terror vs. Rat City 09.23
Last Saturday I had the interesting pleasure of being at the Derby Depot, minus all the live derby action. Since the fabulous Midnight Terrors were able to make it to the Western Regional Playoffs, Salt Lake folks had the pleasure of watching the live feed of the Terrors play against Rat City of Seattle, Wash. … read more
Powderwhore: Choose Your Adventure @ Brewvies 09.26
Choose Your Adventure is a play off of the young-readers books that focused on multiple endings to a story. Several plot lines intertwine in this film from various locations around the globe. From Utah to Norway, on down to Chile and Antarctica, no line is left unskied. … read more
Nintendo Airstream Preview Event
Last week, Nintendo of America began their coast to coast tour giving lucky press members time to try out the Wii U and some of the newly announced content. SLUG had the chance to check out The Wonderful 101, Zombi U, and the latest installment of the Pokemon series. … read more
Teton Gravity Research: Jeremy Jones’ Further @ U of U...
For the past several winters, Jones and his crew of athletes have been traveling the world in search of the most remote mountain ranges. His team is composed of a wide swath of talent that includes Ryland Bell, Lucas Debari, Terje Haakonsen and local hero Forrest Shearer. … read more
Duck Beach To Eternity @ Tower 09.22
Hitting close to home, the screening of Duck Beach To Eternity was definitely the most interesting of the films I saw at the festival over the weekend. The documentary follows four Mormon singles who travel to Duck Beach, North Carolina for the annual “Mormon Spring Break” … read more