
Bellydancing – December 2004
When I watch Shahravar dance, I am transported to another time and place: to exotic lands, spicy scents and multi-layered earthy music. There is magic and mystery in her interpretations, and an absolute excellence of technique. Her performances are always unique and beautiful, which comes from her obvious joy and delight in dancing, and translates

Adjusting the Sights: Local Artists Steve Larson and Jason Jones
Artisan Frameworks and Gallery is currently displaying a show entitled “Four Every Season” with landscape painters Jason Jones, Steve Larson, Cassandra Parsons and M’lisa Paulson. SLUG sat down with Jason and Steve to catch up on their scintillating careers. SLUG: You draw a lot from the Utah landscapes, but where have you gone recently out

The Old Man & the Ski: Tanner Hall’s 21st B-Day...
This past October marked the celebration of one of freeskiing’s most renowned personalities, Tanner Hall. After dominating the competition and movie scene for the last five years, the young superstar finally hit the ripe old age of 21. … read more

Yet More Moore: A Review of Michael Moore’s UVSC Lecture...
Sean Hannity was right, way right. Michael Moore did cross the line coming to Utah but in doing so, may have stumbled unknowingly into becoming yet another influential part of local politics. I was not at Hannity’s pep rally the week before Moore visited UVSC, but he must have left quite an impression on the

Queens of the Fashion Scene
In the history of Utah alternative establishments, men traditionally stepped up to bring alternative flavor to our cultural drought through such establishments as Raunch Records, Trash clothing store, Galaxina, Modified, the Speedway Café, and of course, this magazine, which was originally owned by JR Ruppel. Utah’s counterculture might have started out being led by men,

Hellbent for Hellrose
From the ashes of Hollywood Skateboards, fronted by Chris Markovich, comes the team that DJ calls a ” force to be reckoned with”- Hellrose Skateboards. [DJ Chavez]Syndrome Distribution, once known for cookie-cutter-type skateboard companies (Status, DNA) is taking a chance with this band of “dirt bags.” The company has been looking for a hesh brand

Bubblegum & Burton?: The Romain DeMarchi interview
Burton Snowboards was recently in town premiering their new DVD, The Process 3. To promote this, some of the riders would be in town to do an autograph session at the Gateway before the premiere. I got to go have a beer with one of the riders, Romain DeMarchi. It would be the second visit of this kind to Utah. … read more

Katchup – November 2004
I thought I would have time to tell you all about tentative opening dates, but most of the time they are wrong, based on early snowfalls (like this year) or warm fronts. I will say that Brighton Ski Resort is OPEN for business (earliest in 15 years) with a new and improved Terrain Park as well as a new Majestic Quad. Can I get a hell yeah?! … read more

Bellydancing – November 2004
If you have attended the International Dance Gala, Mirage in Winter, Spring Fest and several other belly dance events, you have heard the mellifluous voice of Ana Kitka za Sofia announcing the dancers. I call her “The Voice of Belly Dance,” but did you know that she has been dancing in Utah for 22 years?

Dear Dickheads – October 2004
Dear Dickheads, I have spent the last four years listening to ‘sheep’ who have had their political information chewed up and given to them by Sean Hannity, Dr. Laura, Bill O’Reilly, et al. These retarded rednecks then regurgitate the bits of ‘fact’ they have received and see themselves as able political ‘debaters’. I am goddamn