SLUG Magazine celebrates its year anniversary in February with a party featuring talented musicians from across Salt Lake’s strong musical culture and other events like fashion shows, tarot readings and more.
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SLUG Magazine’s 25th Anniversary Party @ Urban Lounge 02.28
SLUG celebrated our 25th anniversary at Urban Lounge with MakingFuck, The Obliterate Plague and Visigoth. … read more
SLUG Mag’s 24th Anniversary Party: The SLUG Mag Tattoo Parlor
SLUG Mag celebrated its 24th birthday Saturday, Feb. 16 by getting some of Salt Lake City’s finest tattoo shops together to ink SLUG-related flash onto SLUG fans. … read more
SLUG Magazine’s 22nd Anniversary
At 22 years old, SLUG Magazine is finally old enough to party in a responsible and mostly non-embarrassing way. To celebrate our birthday, not only are we throwing a stellar party featuring music by Max Pain and the Groovies, Speitre, and DJ Knucklz, but we also put together a special birthday issue. SLUG Magazine handpicked 22 business owners and all-around scene makers and shakers to ask them about SLUG’s influence on the community. … read more
Gallery Stroll: SLUG’s Birthday Party, As Sophisticated As We Can...
Ahh …18-years-old. I remember the days; trying to work as little as possible and party as hard as I could. The nights were filled with people and drinking games. My how times change! Now I sit back and discuss politics and current events with my friends while we drink and play games. I think you never grow out of some things. SLUG Magazine is one of those things. … read more