Prize Country: Treacherous Treasures and Tour Tales

Prize Country: Treacherous Treasures and Tour Tales

Being the “old guys” suits Prize Country. The band’s maturity shows in its tight, but raw, sound that is as brash as it is groovy. … read more

GWAR: Granny Sex, Crack & Heavy Metal

GWAR: Granny Sex, Crack & Heavy Metal

There is no correct reason to worship GWAR, there is only a wrong way and that way is not on their knees. A lot of old people like GWAR. … read more

Localized: Aye Aye, Sleepover, The Kidneys – November 2009

Localized: Aye Aye, Sleepover, The Kidneys – November 2009

This month SLUG’s Localized bring you the folkie-blusey psychedelia of Aye Aye, twee pop from Sleepover and opening band The Kidneys. It all happens on Fri. Nov. 13 at The Urban Lounge. Five bucks gets you in. … read more

Converge: The Kurt Ballou Interview

Converge: The Kurt Ballou Interview

I sat down with Kurt Ballou, guitar mastermind of Converge and recording guru of Godcity Studio, before their show Oct. 10 in Denver. He had a lot to say. We got to talking about high school bands, solar powered cars and of course, the new Converge album. … read more

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Dethklok @ Fillmore Auditorium (Denver)

Dethklok @ Fillmore Auditorium (Denver)

Initially, this seemed like a strange bill of bands, but in hindsight it offered Dethklok the chance to showcase some talented, lesser-known bands, and allowed those talented, lesser-known bands to lend even more credibility to the metal mythos of Dethklok. … read more

Matt Winegar

Matt Winegar

Matt Winegar is a local producer, audio engineer and musician. All this he sums up tersely as “making records.” “Lots of kids get confused by this,” he says. As he explained why this is the case, we spoke of recording studios and the state of musical technology in the broadest sense––drums and wires, but also the body parts and skills that make up the total experience music. … read more

Terrance DH

Terrance DH

Terrance DH’s introduction to recording was an accident, really. In the early 90s, his band Bad Yodelers were recording with an engineer who had a bad habit of disappearing for three to four hours at a time. To deal with the engineer’s disappearing act, the Yodelers’ drummer sat Terrance behind the console and taught him the basics of recording. “I would hit play and record and they would do takes of their drums,” DH says.
  … read more

Dave Payne

Dave Payne

When he’s not busy being a father of twins, fixing up his house, performing with several bands, or up late playing arcade games in his basement, Dave Payne is at the helm of his very own recording studio known as Spaceship Arcade Studio. … read more

Jud Powell

Jud Powell

When an average person walks into a room, they don’t think about how it could potentially be set up for proper sound diffusion, if the space has adequate reverberation time for the size of the ambient and/or if it is provided with low levels of reflection. Jud Powell can’t help but think about all of these factors and more. … read more

Wesley Johnson

Wesley Johnson

At only 21, Johnson is already making a living recording full time. “I work well with bands my age. It’s easier for them, compared to working with somebody much older. They feel more comfortable, which helps the outcome of their music.” Johnson makes it clear that he’s not just the guy in a band with a studio though, “I’m an engineer, not a hobbyist.” … read more