
Localized: VCR Quintet
On the second Friday of every month, SLUG brings unique local musicians into the limelight at Urban Lounge to highlight the amazing and often hidden talents of Salt Lake, for a measly five bucks. On Nov. 9, Localized challenges the listener with two groups that push the envelope in the experimental electronic scene, the VCR

Localized: Soundtrack Scene
On the second Friday of every month, SLUG brings unique local musicians into the limelight at Urban Lounge to highlight the amazing and often hidden talents of Salt Lake, for a measly five bucks. On Nov. 9, Localized challenges the listener with two groups that push the envelope in the experimental electronic scene, the VCR
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The Truth behind Mormon Psychedelia: an interview with David Zandonatti
This summer marked the fortieth anniversary of the Monterey International Pop Festival—the multi-day music event that launched the harder side of the psychedelic rock movement, and ushered in the Summer of Love. As people found a voice that embraced added social, sexual and political freedom, they also began to see value in music that could

Localized: The Furs
This month’s Localized, on October 12th at the Urban Lounge, features two bands who push the envelope when it comes to trying something new, whether it’s mixing styles (and their own tracks) or introducing a musical movement to Salt Lake City. This month, Localized presents genre-tampering Cavedoll and neo-psychedelic The Furs. The Furs Bryan Mink

Localized: Cavedoll
This month’s Localized, on October 12th at the Urban Lounge, features two bands who push the envelope when it comes to trying something new, whether it’s mixing styles (and their own tracks) or introducing a musical movement to Salt Lake City. This month, Localized presents genre-tampering Cavedoll and neo-psychedelic The Furs. Cavedoll Camden Chamberlain

Fuck the Informer: By the Numbers
Fuck The Informer is a band that I like. But they don’t like SLUG and said that they didn’t want any of their music reviewed in the mag. So I told them that I was doing a survey, just like a sneaky telemarketer. I guess that makes me an informer, ha! Fuck me! I’ll leave

Wolves in the Throne Room: Madrigal of the Wolf
With raw production, blazing guitars, shrieking vocals and blasting drums, black metal has always purported an extreme display of individualism, making every effort to reject all things politically correct and socially acceptable. Like everything however, human beings have turned those sparks of individualistic expression into hackneyed, formulaic practices, which have become little more than parodies

Localized: Pink Lightnin’
Localized is every second Friday of the month at the Urban Lounge, a private club for members. This month it falls on Sept. 14th. Bad Brad Wheeler’s new band, Pink Lightnin’, will grace the stage with a non-local, Bob Log III. Electric Space Jhiad will open the show. Bob Log III will also play the