Localized: Bob Log II

Localized: Bob Log II

Localized is every second Friday of the month at the Urban Lounge, a private club for members. This month it falls on Sept. 14th. Bad Brad Wheeler’s new band, Pink Lightnin’, will grace the stage with a non-local, Bob Log III. Electric Space Jhiad will open the show. Bob Log III will also play the

Two Decades of Peddlin’ Evil: A History of The Heavy Metal Shop

Two Decades of Peddlin’ Evil: A History of The Heavy...

“I imagine there will be somebody that will want to take it over,” said Kevin Kirk, owner of the Heavy Metal Shop. “I never really put that much thought into it: it is really cool I’m still doing it. I’m getting pretty old now; I’m 45—look at Mick Jagger, though. I’ll do it until I can’t. Why not?” … read more

Running From a Rabid Ring Wraith Clique Basilisk, Serpentine: Aesop Rock Weighs in on Hip Hop’s Health

Running From a Rabid Ring Wraith Clique Basilisk, Serpentine: Aesop...

“Hip-hop just died this morning and she’s dead,” are the lyrics that instigated the most recent controversy in regards to the current condition of the culture’s oft-debated vitality. The statement was featured on the title track of rapper Nas’ newest album, the egregiously titled Hip Hop is Dead. In an article recently published in URB

The Fucking Interview: Metal, Recording and Life according to The Fucking Champs

The Fucking Interview: Metal, Recording and Life according to The...

In the current underground music scene there just aren’t many bands that can claim to have placed 24 guitars on a single track, or brought down the house with a Johann Sebastian Bach cover, complete with harmonized guitar solos. Yes, I am afraid the golden age of metal has died, with guitar virtuosity taking a

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Maximo Park Show Review
Perfect Vision: Colby Houghton of Exigent Records Talks Shop

Perfect Vision: Colby Houghton of Exigent Records Talks Shop

“If someone had told me 10 years ago that I’d be a major player in the Salt Lake scene, I would’ve said, ‘That’d be awesome, but it’s not going to happen. That would take an incredible amount of drive and sacrifice,’” Colby Houghton, owner of Exigent Records says, “I’ve heard nothing but praise outside Utah

The Email Logik of Edward Ka-Spel

The Email Logik of Edward Ka-Spel

Let me get this off my chest before I go any further: I’m such a picky asshole that the only reason I initially heard of Edward Ka-Spel was because he combined forces with 2/3 of Skinny Puppy back in the 80s and produced The Tear Garden, which released possibly one of the greatest albums ever,

Caribou: A Romp Through the Forest with Dan the Automator

Caribou: A Romp Through the Forest with Dan the Automator

On the precipice of the release of his fourth full-length album slated for release on August 21, Dan Snaith is feeling very energized about what is happening in his musical world. Born in Canada and later relocating to London, Snaith’s interest in music began in his early teens and he became proficient on many instruments. … read more