Lucy Dacus @ The Urban Lounge 03.30 w/ Adult Mom and And The Kids

Lucy Dacus @ The Urban Lounge 03.30 w/ Adult Mom...

Lucy Dacus’s Friday night show at The Urban Lounge didn’t quite make it to sold out status but it was certainly no small affair, drawing a few hundred of SLC’s most devoted Dacus fans. … read more

SLUG Magazine’s 29th Anniversary Party: Saturn’s Return

SLUG Magazine’s 29th Anniversary Party: Saturn’s Return
By , ,

SLUG Magazine celebrated its 29th anniversary with a party that offered a wealth of fun activities across two venues. Amid plentiful eating and drinking, RYE offered patrons an opportunity to explore local art, tarot card readings and virtual reality while Urban Lounge showcased live art and three SLC electronic artists (Thoroughbred, Nate Holland and UTA Trax) dishing out their finest dance tracks. … read more

Sundance Film Festival 2018 Days 2–4 @ Park City

Sundance Film Festival 2018 Days 2–4 @ Park City

The world-famous and highly influential Sundance Film Festival erupted to a lively opening weekend in 2018. … read more

The WhiSKI Series: High West and TGR Team Up For A Great Show in Park City

The WhiSKI Series: High West and TGR Team Up For...

Some things in this world were just meant for each other. You can probably think of a few of your favorites, but one we can all agree on is whiskey and skiing. … read more

A Farewell to Nix Beat

A Farewell to Nix Beat

Nix Beat is moving to London, and there will be a going-away party dubbed Nix Beat’s Farewell Freak Out as the final performance in his Freak Out series. … read more

Real Haunted Houses: Local Ghost Stories

Real Haunted Houses: Local Ghost Stories

Maybe you don’t believe in ghosts … but you can’t deny that many other people say they’ve experienced them. What do you believe? … read more

Albatross Recordings & Ephemera Presents: Meet the Creatures

Albatross Recordings & Ephemera Presents: Meet the Creatures

Albatross Recordings & Ephemera is ready for the Spirit of Halloween for their event “Meet the Creatures,” held Oct. 27 at The Ruin. … read more

Haken, Sithu Aye,  Mammoth @ Urban Lounge 09.09

Haken, Sithu Aye, Mammoth @ Urban Lounge 09.09

LA’s three piece Mammoth opened the evening with a short set that got the crowd swaying and tapping. Mammoth’s sound is like jazz-fusion and prog rock had a heavy metal love child. I was reminded of Alan Holdsworth’s song “Metal Fatigue” throughout their set. Spicy Wolf Man, on the band’s website says, “Mammoth flit around

Gold Blood Collective Grand Opening 08.05

Gold Blood Collective Grand Opening 08.05

With future shows already booked, the Gold Blood Collective looks like it’s already creating a fresh BMX art/sport/style scene at 1526 South State Street. … read more

SLUG Magazine @ Utah Pride Parade 2017

SLUG Magazine @ Utah Pride Parade 2017

SLUG Magazine started marching in the Utah Pride Parade 12 years ago, and in that time, SLUG has won several awards for charming T-shirt designs and clever parade themes. SLUG’s staff kept it simple this year by wearing pink unicorn T-shirts designed by local artist Ashley Love (@helloashleylove) while passing out hundreds of copies of SLUG Magazine. … read more