27 Club Performer: Luna Slipstream
Music Interviews
Performer: Luna Slipstream, The Time-Traveling Space-Pirate Gypsy-Cyborg
27 Club Artist: Jim Morrison
For SLUG’s 27th birthday, we’ve enlisted six local performers to breathe new life into songs from members of the 27 Club, famous musicians who passed before their time at the age of 27. Be sure to catch SLUG’s 27 Club Anniversary Party at Metro Bar on March 11—doors at 9 p.m., show at 10:30 p.m., $5 at the door.
When did you first hear this artist, and why did they inspire you?
When I was 18 I grew my hair out. Someone said I looked like Jim Morrison. I knew of The Doors and loved their music, but wasn’t too familiar with him as a person, so I Google’d him and realized what a compliment that was. He was gorgeous. A total mess of a person, but gorgeous. I grew up listening to Classic Rock. Blood Sweat and Tears, Three Dog Night, The Grass Roots, Pink Floyd, Queen, yadda yadda yadda. I haven’t really resonated with any pop/Top 40 music since The Spice Girls broke up.
What about this artist’s song that you’ll perform resonates with you, compared to other songs in their oeuvre?
I’ll be singing “Touch Me.” It’s sexy and romantic. “I’m going to love you ’till the stars fall from the sky for you and I.”? *throws panties* Some of his other songs were a little… “Ride the snake?” Don’t boss me.
What contributions did this artist make to alternative/underground music?
He was a bad boy in tight leather pants. He WAS shock value. He set the bar higher for all rock stars.
What made this artist a trailblazer in their craft?
… His lame spoken word stuff? I joke … Sort of. It would suck to do drugs with that guy. You’re tripping balls in the desert and he won’t shut up?
Why do you feel that this artist’s legacy lives on so strongly today?
He was a Rock God.
Tell us your favorite anecdote about this artist.
When The Doors visited Amsterdam, people would hand them drugs on the street. The band mates would be like “Cool thanks” and pocket them, like you do. Jim would just pop them in his mouth.
What insights about this artist can you share that many others might not know?
How about the fact that I am 30 and I look younger than he did when he died. So remember kids; don’t do drugs, exercise caution, don’t put your feet on the seats, and moisture. I cannot stress this enough.
How will your performance capture this artist and their personality?
Three words: Tight.leather.pants. *snap* I’ll be singing live with a backing track.
How do you feel that your performance style aligns with or complements this artist’s work?
My drag performances have been very rock n’ roll. Open, honest, no hidden agenda, kinda slutty, really silly.
In your performance, what changes/stylization will you make to their work?
I don’t plan to actually get arrested during my performance.
What iconic imagery will you include in your homage to this artist?
“I don’t wear wigs, this is my hair.”
What’s a quote or lyric from this artist that’s meaningful/impactful for you?
“Some of the worst mistakes of my life have been haircuts”
What message have you taken from this artist in a positive way in your life?
Drugs are bad and rob the world of the gift that is a person’s potential.
If this artist was alive today, where in Utah would you take them?
That rehabilitation center they sent Mary-Kate Olsen to.
What are your thoughts about the 27 Club?
Never have a white lighter. ‘Cause, you know, the curse.
What’s the No. 1 reason not to join the 27 Club?
Dying is bad.
With regard to SLUG’s 27th Anniversary Party, why are you excited to perform this piece?
For years my internet/lazertag/bowling alias was Lizard King … I was thrilled to be asked. I better not fuck it up.