
Local Reviews: Definit

Local Music Reviews

Definit Is Not Here
Street: 04.11
Definit= Gym Class Heroes + Brother Ali
The many chapters of Definit’s life have provided a wide array of experiences from which he constructs sincere rhymes. On this album, he delves into religion, family drama, overdoses and the road to sobriety. As a sober member of the hip-hop community, you might assume that he’d be a little preachy, but Definit rhymes about his experiences and his decisions, not about what anybody else should do. He turns to a variety of genres when sampling. The most beautifully composed, as well as my favorite track, “Far from Away,” contains pristine samples from Carol King’s “So Far Away.” Whether or not you can relate to the lyrics of this song, the beat will set you at ease. Track six, “Awake,” takes the listener through the mind of an addict choosing between life and death. While his music and rhyme styles reflect traditional hip-hop, his topics and themes advocate self-realization and dealing with personal struggles. Despite his contradicting dual personalities, Definit’s creative production makes this album worth a listen.