
Local Reviews: Handicapitalist

Local Music Reviews

Number One EP
Street: 02.04″-
Handicapitalist = (The Ramones – Joey Ramone) + screaming teens”-“-
Leave it to a true punk band to record a cheap EP in a small unfiltered space. The fast-paced trio threw this five-track album together in a day, all performed and recorded in the Raunch Records back room. It’s about as crude as a digital recording can be, which is saying something for today’s tech. The sound pounding on the cheap ceiling tiles with the drums smothered under the guitar amps makes it sound like it came off an ‘87 K Records comp. The songs are quick, loud, angry—complete with that “we don’t give a fuck what you think of us” attitude. It would be great if it wasn’t just nine minutes long, forcing listeners to put it on repeat to get any longevity out of it. Downside: It’s a half-assed session with barely audible lyrics. Upside: It’s the complete live punk band experience minus flying Pabst cans.