
Local Review: Manicproject – Squareone

Local Music Reviews


Self release
Manicproject = NIN – Trent + Phil, a monochromatic voice that hurts ears real bad.

While the down beats and atmospheric pressure of the seemingly distant background music put you in an ecstasy based trance, the lyrics and vocals that Phil Istomin chose to combine with them immediately pull you out of the drug cloud and straight into what NIN would be without Trent—nothingness. And while lyrics can be a difficult thing to dig out of the depths of the aorta; they shouldn’t make you pray for hearing abnormalities. Some people say music is a good way to put bad poetry into circulation. This is perhaps where Phil and I agree. Unless Phil means something other than, “please god make my vocal cords evaporate so no one has to listen to my toneless voice,” when he states in the song “Room 101”…make it stop. Regardless if we’re on the same page I have a little advice for you Phil: stick with the instrumentals. The whole monochromatic thing works well in photography… not so much in music. –Myles