
Local Review: Thunderfist – Too Fat for Love

Local Music Reviews

Too Fat for Love

Street: 01.2007
Thunderfist = Lemmy + Spork + 1,000 cases of PBR

Legendary scene vets Thunderfist know how to write hard-rockin’ anthems for the wild ones; tight as a snail’s ass and twice as raunchy. After nearly a decade of putting out albums that would give the Supersuckers a run for their money, it’s no wonder Thunderfist have songwriting cinched. This album delivers in spades, the best stoner-love song being the fat-ass riffage of “Bottom Feeder;” the best song title “My Dick is a Foot.” Mick Mayo fuels the songs with turbo-charged pummeling thanks to 18+ years of bass skillz; Erik Stevens anvils mercilessly with crushing drums, Jeff Haskins & Mike Sasich vomit nonstop catchy guitar riffs and Jeremy Cardenas adds acidic wit and hedonistic abandon that’d make Dorian Gray blush. There was a year or so when I thought Thunderfist was gonna fade from the horizon forever. Thank heavens to betsies they finally got their heads outta their asses and realized how much SLC needs a band like them.