Diat Positive Energy

Review: Diät – Positive Energy

National Music Reviews

Diat Positive Energy

Positive Energy

Iron Lung Records
Street: 09.04
Diät = Holograms + Iceage + A Place to Bury Strang

With “Young and Successful” as the monotone intro to Berlin’s newest post-punk band’s debut, a persistent feeling of ennui washes and fades with lyrics such as, “Write a manifesto/Write a shopping list.” But as the album progresses, there is an even greater sense of active nihilism coming through Diät’s catchy, fuzzed-out riffs. The grimy bass line brings our attention back from the dazzling skyline back to the reality of punk. It’s this sort of anti-consumerism that’s always filtered through the punk scene, but Diät are part of a handful of bands starting to bring it to an almost metaphysical level. Positive Energy is easy listening, while also calling out our almost spiritual adherence to distraction and entertainment. –Brian Udall