National Music Reviews
Kevorkian Death Cycle
Distorted Religion
Negative Gain
Street: 07.22
Kevorkian Death Cycle = Front Line Assembly + Skinny Puppy + HexRx
California’s Kevorkian Death Cycle seem to be releasing music on a regular basis again, and nothing could please me more. The God Am I release was one of my favorites last year. Although releasing a single may be more profitable, it can be such a tease. This four-track single is a tasty morsel and has me yearning for more. The statements from the late, bible-thumping Fred Phelps at the beginning of the “Distorted Religion V2” remix by Assemblage 23 makes the point of the song stand out: Most organized religions have a set belief system that does not coincide with today’s society. I appreciate the attention drawn to this on the track. As for “The Promise,” I prefer the HexRx version compared to the original, as it appears to be a souped-up doppelgänger of Skinny Puppy’s “Worlock.” Give me more, please. –Mistress Nancy