Mudhoney - Superfuzz Bigmuff artwork

Review: Mudhoney

National Music Reviews

Last year I heard a tape of what is now Superfuzz Bigmuff by Mudhoney. All I had to say about that is that they suck. Then, last October, I saw them play the The Word, and I thought, “Hey, these guys are way cool, but their music sucks!”

Since then, I have heard at least 20 people who will swear on their first lay that they RULE. Then one day I took Brad Barkers advice and bought the album. Everyone was right—they RULE.

Mudhoney is the loudest band I have ever heard, so it is not a surprise they are under Sub Pop. Seattle is famous for the loud-grungy, pseudo-seventies sound. So if you buy this album, don’t bother listening to it unless you do so very loudly; volume is what makes them great—power. In the time they have been touring and recording, their popularity has skyrocketed. Check them out—the Mudhoney grunge kings RULE.

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