Porcelain Raft - Permanent Signal album artwork

Reviews: Porcelain Raft – Permanent Signal

National Music Reviews

Porcelain Raft

Permanent Signal

Secret Canadian

Street: 08.20

Porcelain Raft = Washed Out + Explosions in the Sky + The Umbrellas

On the surface, Porcelain Raft may not seem like much, but this one-man act manages to combine solemn ambiance with high-pitched vocals in a manner that is anything but generic. The opener “Think of the Ocean” combines sultry beats with mournful violins to make a track that is eerily dark, yet still sweet. While “Think of the Ocean” revels in its haunting darkness, the rest of the album has a slightly more upbeat nature, combining more post-rock instrumentals with poppier, effects-laden vocals. I was pleased to find the instrumental tracks “Open Letter” and “Warehouse” to be surprisingly soothing despite their simplicity. If you happen to be stuck inside on a rainy day, listen to this album and let Mauro Remiddi’s woeful voice calm you.  –Allison Shephard