National Music Reviews
Range Anxiety
Merge Records
Street: 01.27
Twerps = Portastatic + The Chills
I’m not immediately enthralled by the contents of Range Anxiety. It lacks anything that would provoke jittery spasms or convolutions of twitching. Rather, it is simply another representation of groove pop in bite-sized portions—courtesy of an overly passive nature. That being said, this is not offensive to the ears, with numbers like “Adrenaline” and “I Don’t Mind” being both pleasant and calming to listen to.
It’s just that I find myself a bit bored and constantly needing to refocus my wandering mind to what I’m hearing. It’s kind of groovy but a bit hit or miss and not something to wait up for. This can be played in the background and even ignored—after you put your feet up. –Nick Kuzmack