National Music Reviews
Widows Watch
This Message Repeats
Toxic Pop Records
Street: 01.06
Widows Watch = Bad Religion + Jawbreaker + Rye Coalition
Of all the bands on Toxic Pop Records, Widows Watch seems to be the most brutally honest with their lyrics. Made up of members of some of the best underground Baltimore bands, their passion for music and expression produce highly emotional and sincere music that reaches out to those who are meek, gloomy, or angry at the world.
“Fake Smile” and “Stumble” portray the daily struggles of depression and anxiety, while “Talk For Hours” and “Kindred Company” even out the gamut with lyrics of keeping your loved ones by your side. Widows Watch’s belief that people can still connect with music has resulted in a profoundly relatable LP.
Widows Watch reaches out to anyone struggling with life and reminds them that they are not alone, and that someone may understand them. –Eric U. Norris