Photographer: Andy Fitzgerrell

Toasted Barrel Brewing: Beers for Utah’s Wild Side
Wild ales are often seasonal offerings and disappear within hours of hitting the shelves. It’s a testament to the Utah beer drinker’s evolving palate and thirst for something new. Toasted Barrel Brewery Co-owners Sage Dawson and Lynn Litchfield would like to make wild beers the norm in their Salt Lake City brewery, placing them above all others.

Distillery 36: Top-Shelf Talent & the Rum Revival on Redwood
At Distillery 36, the Jensen Dobbs, Creed Law and Jon Gregersen triumvirate is hard at work keeping their dream of being a premier purveyor of fine spirits alive and well in Utah. They are currently expanding their operations and developing their business model in a thoughtful manner, aiming to create a quality product at a fair price while rediscovering the passion that led them down this road. … read more

SLUG BMX Photo Feature: Greg Anderson
I met Greg a few years ago while riding the dirt jumps in Park City. My initial impression of him was a guy who didn’t say much and shredded hard. Later that summer, he started talking to me and I found a good-humored, friendly guy behind the stoic veil. … read more

SLUG BMX Photo feature
Anyone who was involved with the 2000s era of BMX is familiar with the name Mike Szczesny. … read more

The Beer is Easy: RoHa Brewing Project
RoHa Brewing Project is set to open its doors by the end of summer 2016 at 30 E. Kensington Ave. in Salt Lake City. Look out for beers of all styles in the 4-percent range up to the stratosphere range. … read more

To Guild or Not to Guild: Acacia Coast on the...
We all love beer—that’s a given—and more and more, consumers are becoming interested in what goes into the making of their beer, from breweries to brewers. Yet another level deeper are the people behind those people. Since developing a passion for craft beer after her first bottle of Mirror Pond Pale, Acacia Coast has been

Building a Legacy: The Story of the Draper Cycle Park
In the City of Draper, a new spin on community engagement is entering the fold. The Draper Cycle Park is going on its second year of being open to riders. … read more

Mike Brown: Adventures in Merch Peddling!
Over the years, SLUG has spotlighted sound technicians, bartenders, show promoters and probably an after-show puke mopper, but I cannot recall us ever focusing on a seemingly instrumental and important job of any live show, and that is the merch guy—or girl in this case: I interviewed Sara Monroe, who has been behind the table for over 15 years, in order to get the lowdown on the whole merch-selling gig. … read more

Mike Brown: Rose Park Life
I recently moved away from the comfort and convenience of living Downtown to the Rose Park area, which is happily located north and west of Downtown. Most of my grown-up friends who aren’t total alcoholics and have managed to maintain a decent credit score and somehow pay off their student loans have bought houses out

Mike Brown: Miss Utah!!!
A few weeks ago, I had the distinct pleasure of interviewing the current Miss Utah. The last time I interacted with a pageant queen was when I was asked to show a former Miss Utah how to skateboard on the live morning local newscast. Needless to say, she ended up eating street on live TV