Photographer: Megan Kennedy

SLC to Ferguson: Utah Against Police Brutality Rally 11.29
On Saturday, Nov. 29, Utah Against Police Brutality gathered a rally in downtown Salt Lake City to demand an end to police brutality. Photos by Megan Kennedy ( … read more

2014 Salt Lake Comic Con: 09.04-06
Move the fuck over, San Diego. Salt Lake Comic Con is here to dethrone you. The three-day geek extravaganza took place at the Salt Palace Convention Center and featured endless vendors, artists, celebrities, and more. Photos by Megan Kennedy. … read more

Salt Lake Comic Con 2014: Tabletop Games and RPGs Day...
My draft started off pretty weird, and I was forced to switch colors with surprising frequency. However, with the aid of a few off-the-wall conspiracy cards, I was able to make a Bant (White, Blue and Green, for the uninitiated) deck with a strong Selesnya-fueled token theme. If I’ve already lost you, then just think of my deck as a random assortment of zoo animals bursting out of the trees and stampeding over my opponents. … read more

SLC Stands with Ferguson!
In the wake of the grand jury’s decision, the raw anger felt on account of this injustice has exploded back into the streets, and not just in Ferguson, but all over the United States. It is keenly felt in Utah, for a number of Utahns have also been on the receiving end of police violence. … read more

University Students Bring Their A Game – EAE Open House...
For three solid hours, attendees got their hands on projects created by first year students all the way to thesis games, which were shown in their own room with projectors and tournaments. … read more

Into That Good Night: A Look At Salt Lake’s Graveyards
There’s nowhere like a cemetery for peace and quiet, and you never know when you’ll stumble on some quirky or historic resting place. I went to two of Salt Lake’s oldest boneyards and found some interesting stops for this year’s Halloween season. … read more