Twilight Concert Series 2018: King Princess 09.13 w/ Flora Cash, EIXO
Festival Coverage
Sept. 13 was the last of 2018’s Salt Lake Twilight Concert Series. The last installment boasted a double bill, featuring husband-and-wife duo Flora Cash and New York singer-songwriter King Princess, and drew a notably younger crowd than previous shows. The energy, however, was just as high as ever. Local DJs underscored the night including DJ Suzy who provided a high-energy soundtrack between bands. Local band EIXO opened up the stage for the night’s headliners with a vibrant set. The group drew an excitable crowd of their own and got everyone else pumped for the main acts.
Flora Cash took the stage at sundown and performed a low key set of music defined by acoustic guitar and dreamy electronic soundscapes. The husband and wife duo from Stockholm received a warm welcome from the Gallivan Plaza crowd, which easily doubled in size after the sun went down. The music bled into the transition as DJ Suzy mixed some crowd favorites and prompted singalong after singalong.
King Princess took the stage to raucous applause and cheering and launched right into a few crowd favorites. Mikaela Straus (birth name of King Princess) forged a tangible connection with the crowd from the get go and spent the majority of her set smiling, laughing and shooting flirty glances to her fans, eliciting shrieks of joy from the folks on the receiving end. Energy was high to the very end of the night and sent concert-goers out in high-spirits. Overall, it was a fitting end to this year’s Twilight Concert Series.