Local Review: 90s Television – Bad 4 the Tooth
90s Television Bad 4 the Tooth Self-Released Street: 12.12.14 90s Television = Animal Collective + Devendra Banhart + The Strokes Bad 4 the Tooth is a seven-track collection of burned-out, sleepy tunes that sway nicely across bizarre landscapes. With a name like 90s Television, I’ll admit that I had nostalgically charged expectations. However, their style

Review: Various Artists – The Rough Guide to Psychedelic Cambodia
The Rough Guide to Psychedelic Cambodia = Cambodian Space Project + Dengue Fever … read more

SLUG Mag’s Top 5 Albums of 2014
Every December, SLUG Magazine sounds the rallying call and gathers the staff’s lists of Top 5 albums from the year. In the next few pages, find a wide range of genres, artists and records that were of note for 2014—with a few other Top 5 beats like video games, comics and movies peppered throughout. … read more

Fear No Film: Historical Boundaries
These films explore the limits that we all share as humans, from “traditions” that we can’t quite shake, to hypothetical next steps as a species. … read more

Fear No Film: Societal Boundaries
These films identify the boundaries of who we are as a nation, right now, at this moment, while comparing this to other countries. … read more

Fear No Film: The Way You See Others
To some degree, we each place judgement on others. These films are about how you see the people around you all day, every day. … read more

Fear No Film: Global Boundaries
The selections for this year’s Fear No Film festival have been eye-opening, to say the least. It’s nice to know that we still live in a world where boundaries are constantly being challenged and redefined, and even nicer to know that we have a local presence who believes it’s important to share these messages with our community. … read more

Fear No Film: Relationship Boundaries
Relationships are defined by their boundaries. When two people become romantically involved, there are boundaries that must be maintained for that relationship to thrive. When the boundaries between parents, children, brothers and sisters are threatened, the core of a person’s identity is at risk. … read more

Fear No Film: Your Boundaries
One of the most fun parts of having films grouped into different thematic categories is trying to find the common thread that unites a group of seemingly disparate films. According to the Fear No Film Guide, the films in this category are designed to explore “ways of seeing your limits, who you think you once were, who you are now, and what might lay ahead.” Though the following films were vastly different in tone and content, each of them offered their own personal challenge to rethink the world as we might see it. … read more

Dark Arts Festival @ Area 51 06.20-22
When I stepped foot through the doors of Area 51 during the Summer Solstice, I realized that I was in store for a not so ordinary weekend at my frequent haunt. The bar was decorated like an enchanted forest and I felt as if I had fallen through the looking glass into a world of faeries, Red Queens, vampires and all creatures of the dark. It was time for the Dark Arts Festival Of Utah. … read more