Summer of Death: Go Skateboarding Day
The Summer of Death contests have served as a springboard for countless Utah rippers to go from snot-nosed kids who anihilate local spots and parks to permanent fixtures in the skate community, including local all-star Lizard King, who earned a spot at the Tampa Am for his win at a Summer of Death Contest when he was knee-high to a grasshopper. This summer’s first installment of SLUG’s 15th annual Summer of Death skate series took place at the indoor Crossroads Skate Park in Ogden on June 21.
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Anime Salt Lake: Day One
I left the viewing room and went to the ladies room. If there was one thing I missed the most from last year, it was sitting in the ladies room listening to two teen girls talking about boys and anime things all in one go. Alas, the room was quiet and empty. This day officially sucked. … read more

Fluid Art: Bringing Together Art & Ales @ UMOCA 05.31
When your editor calls you up and asks if you want to drink local craft beers and look at contemporary art, the first answer is “hell yes!” immediately followed by the question, “we can do that in Utah?” … read more

Pride Festival Recap
Love equals love. That was the theme at this years Pride, and it couldn’t have been more fitting. The theme calls back to the 17 days—from December 20, 2013 to January 6, 2014—when same-sex couples could legally marry here in the state of Utah after Judge Robert J. Shelby struck down Amendment 3 as unconstitutional, and it draws attention to the current legal limbo same-sex couples have been stuck in as the appeals process against Judge Shelby’s ruling slowly grinds forward. But the love equals love theme does even more than that: It also calls to how things should be, how everyone should be treated and how important equality truly is. … read more