Contributor Limelight: Kate Wheadon

Contributor Limelight: Kate Wheadon

Though Kate Wheadon is the new Director of Sales and Marketing at SLUG, her mad marketing skills have sent her all around the country – working for some of the world’s top companies in the music and action sports industries. … read more

Contributor Limelight: Gavin Hoffman

Contributor Limelight: Gavin Hoffman

Gavin Hoffman aka loveyoudead has been gracing the pages of SLUG Magazine with his metal reviews since March of this year. … read more

Contributor Limelight: Robin Brown

Contributor Limelight: Robin Brown

Robin Brown is one of SLUG Magazine’s hot-as-hell marketing and advertising sales representatives.  … read more

Contributor Limelight: Joshua Joye

Contributor Limelight: Joshua Joye

Joshua Joye, SLUG’s graphic designer, is a “Josh of all Trades” – he wood works, he graffiti’s, he screenprints, he stencils and much, much more! … read more

Contributor Limelight: Emily Allen

Contributor Limelight: Emily Allen

July’s cover features the photographs and graphic design skills of Emily Allen. Emily Allen is no new face to SLUG Magazine, having penned CD reviews, a feature review with Yo La Tengo and served as our resident Localized photographer over the past six years. … read more

Contributor Limelight: Ryan Powers

Contributor Limelight: Ryan Powers

Ryan Powers a.k.a. Agape, is a local SLC fashionista, SLUG writer, SLUG Games DJ and graphic designer extraordinaire who “fashioned” this month’s cover. Mr. Powers wears many hats (designer hats that is) in his everyday life. … read more

Contributor Limelight: Chris Swainston

Contributor Limelight: Chris Swainston

Ladies beware! Chris Swainston, local lover and lady killer, photographs action sports such as snowboarding and skateboarding for SLUG Magazine. … read more

Contributor Limelight: Mitch Meyer

Contributor Limelight: Mitch Meyer

“Aperture, aperture!” This is the elusive calling card of photographer Mitch Meyer. … read more

Contributor Limelight: Adam Dorobiala

Contributor Limelight: Adam Dorobiala

Adam Dorobiala began his rise to fame at SLUG Magazine less than six months ago as a staff photographer. Since then, Adam has proved himself by putting the ACTION in action sports photography. … read more

Contributor Limelight: Jeremy Wilkins

Contributor Limelight: Jeremy Wilkins

Jeremy Wilkins began his journey at SLUG in the late 90s as a delivery driver and photographer. A year and a half ago, thirsting for more, he added writer to his list of job titles for the magazine. … read more