Damn These Heels Film Festival: Lady Valor: The Kristen Beck Story

Damn These Heels Film Festival: Lady Valor: The Kristen Beck...

In 2013, former Navy Seal Christopher Beck came out as Kristen, a transgender woman. After 20 years of serving in combat missions in war zones across the world, her new mission—to find inner happiness and to raise awareness of trans issues in the military—has been one of her most exhausting and most challenging. … read more

Damn These Heels Film Festival: Appropriate Behavior

Damn These Heels Film Festival: Appropriate Behavior

This Brooklyn-20-something-hipster comedy sparkles with Lena Dunham–like wit and relies heavily on the kind of unapologetic humor made famous by Girls, so it’s fitting that the film’s Iranian-American writer, director and actor, Desiree Akhavan, will join the show’s cast for its upcoming fourth season.  … read more

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Damn These Heels Film Festival: Compared to What? The Improbable Journey of Barney Frank

Damn These Heels Film Festival: Compared to What? The Improbable...

The doc serves up Frank in all of his Wildean wittiness, showing how he could demolish his political adversaries in hilarious, rapid-fire debate, while never backing down from his convictions. … read more