Film Review: The Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard

Film Review: The Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard

The Hitman’s Wife’s Bodyguard is an obnoxious mess aimed at 12–14-year-old-boys watching it on a sleepover without their parents’ knowledge. … read more

Film Review: Fatherhood

Film Review: Fatherhood

In Fatherhood, Kevin Hart plays Matt and is faced with raising his daughter alone when his wife dies the day after giving birth. … read more

Film Review: Infinite

Film Review: Infinite

Infinite is clearly hoping to be a mind-bending action spectacular, but will be remembered as one of 2021’s worst movies. … read more

Film Review: Skater Girl

Film Review: Skater Girl

Skater Girl takes that desire to showcase people from different backgrounds reaching for the stars to a whole new level. … read more

Film Review: New Order

Film Review: New Order

New Order is a failure based around pertinent issues, but there is literally nothing to take away from it except what you came in with. … read more

Film Review: The Dry

Film Review: The Dry

The Dry is a highly compelling and introspective film that thrives on an excellent screenplay, which was adapted from a novel by Jane Harper. … read more

Film Review: Dream Horse

Film Review: Dream Horse

Dream Horse Director: Euros Lyn Cornerstone Films and Film4 In Theaters 05.21 The spring/early summer blockbuster season is more or less partially underway to some extent, pandemic style. With zombies and serial killers dominating, a small, feel-good sports drama is welcome counterprogramming. There are some sports—well, OK, basically all of them—that hold no interest for

Film Review: Army of the Dead

Film Review: Army of the Dead

Army of the Dead has a lot going for it, and Zack Snyder has created an epic-scale film filled with eye-popping visuals and plenty of action. … read more

Film Review: The Woman in the Window

Film Review: The Woman in the Window

The Woman in the Window Director: Joe Wright Fox 2000 Pictures Streaming on Netflix 05.14 The new major release from Netflix, The Woman in the Window, is based on the novel by A. J. Finn and is one that has piqued my curiosity for reasons different than most. This past year of social distancing and

Film Review: Wrath of Man

Film Review: Wrath of Man

The biggest failure of Wrath of Man, Guy Richie’s latest film, is that it doesn’t deliver as an action flick and misses out on having any fun. … read more