Local Review: NVM – Thermal Memory

Local Review: NVM – Thermal Memory

NVM = Hum + No Sun + Hyperview-Era Title Fight + Seahaven … read more

Local Review: Sam Burton – Until Returning

Local Review: Sam Burton – Until Returning

Sam Burton = Department of Eagles x (Nick Drake + Jackson C. Frank) … read more

Local Reviews: Julio Child

Local Reviews: Julio Child

The most impressive thing about this group is that both Fisch and Ebay Jamil write the music. While most of the album tightly grasps their hiphop origins, several tracks digress into acoustic ballads that almost sound like a completely different group. Julio Child may lose the attention of some hardcore hip hop fans, because of this transition on tracks like “A Long Cold Winter,” but they’re trying to create something original.  … read more

Local Reviews: Johan the Angel

Local Reviews: Johan the Angel

This fun little four-track goes something like “The General’s Son” Pt. II, I, III, and IV and in that order. Or is it one track that just lasts eleven minutes? I think they are trying to trick us. Where is Ashton Kutcher? If I’m not being punk’d, then what was Johan the Angel thinking when they wasted however much money to put out an EP with four slightly, and I mean slightly, different tracks?  … read more